DrRoad / rAmCharts

API for Amcharts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


rAmCharts 2.1.10 (based on [amcharts][amcharts_url] version 3.21.13)

  • recycle dp$color to pass data.table 1.12.2

rAmCharts 2.1.9 (based on [amcharts][amcharts_url] version 3.21.13)

  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : enabled multiple col_series in a list
  • amTimeSeries : fix passing one groupToPeriods + update thousandsSeparator
  • Update Docomentation and add full javascript API in package & amChartsAPI() function
  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : fix bug zooming on missing value

rAmCharts 2.1.8 (based on AmCharts version 3.21.13)

  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : fix keeping first and last values when NA
  • Update to amcharts.js 3.21.13

rAmCharts 2.1.7 (based on AmCharts version 3.20.18)

  • new add_animate_dependency function


This package allows to draw interactive charts from the JavaScript library AmCharts using Hmtlwidgets.

Currently available chart types: funnel, gantt, gauge, pie, radar, serial, stock, xy.

Please refer to this page https://datastorm-open.github.io/introduction_ramcharts/, you will find several examples and a quick tutorial.

Moreover, full AmCharts API is available in the package using amChartsAPI().


The version 2.1.7 is available on CRAN:


To install the "dev version", run the following code lines:

if (!require(devtools)) {
} else {}



  • Version 1.1.2 is based on AmCharts v3.17.2
  • Version 2.0.0 is based on AmCharts v3.18.2
  • Version 2.0.2 is based on AmCharts v3.20.3
  • Version 2.1.0 is based on AmCharts v3.20.10
  • Version <= 2.1.7 is based on AmCharts v3.20.18
  • Version >= 2.1.8 is based on AmCharts v3.21.13

Known issues

  • Problem in Shiny with Firefox (works with Chrome or Safari), the function renderAmcharts({NULL}) does not clear the chart, use conditionalPanel instead.
  • Use in R Markown needs either an url path "https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3" to find images or a local path e.g. system.file("htmlwidgets/lib", package = "rAmCharts"). HTML reports also need a call to the method plot.

amHist(iris$Sepal.Length, freq = FALSE, breaks = 30, col = "gray",
       path = "https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3")
# path = system.file("htmlwidgets/lib", package = "rAmCharts"))

  • Usual R colors work (for instance, light or dark prefixes), however the 'export' feature needs valid CSS colors. To be sure, use hexadecimal format if you want to use the 'export' feature.


API for Amcharts


Language:JavaScript 43.9%Language:HTML 42.5%Language:R 12.9%Language:CSS 0.7%