Dr. Mohmed Elkamel HAMDANE (DrHAMDANE)


Geek Repo

Company:Misc Laboratory AbdElhamid Mehri Universityof Constantine 2.


Home Page:https://sites.google.com/view/hamdane/home

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Dr. Mohmed Elkamel HAMDANE's repositories


We propose in this work an approach for the verification of the AADL (Architecture and Analysis Design Language) description. This approach is based in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and assisted by a toolchain. Indeed, we define a source meta-model for AADL and a target meta-model for the timed automata formalism; we define a transformation process in two steps : the first is aModel2Model transformation which takes an AADLModel and produces the corresponding timed automata model. The second transformation is a Model2Text transformation which takes a timed automata model and generates a text in ta-format code. This code is accepted by the Uppaal toolbox. The goal of this effort is to insure some properties of AADL models using the Uppaal model checker. A case study has been developed to show the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach.



This project try to improve the biometric passport such as can incorporate the vaccination record. we suggest the use of NoSQL databases that have been created to meet these requirements. We have developed a first version of an application called E-passport that works with NoSQL Redis-DBMS to manage the biometric passport database integrating the anti-Covid-19 vaccination record.



Proconcour is an efficient desktop application for the management and organisation of recruitment competitions. © Mr. mohamed elkamel HAMDANE & Melle Randa KIAS & Melle Ghania LAMRI & Melle Aziza GHETTAS 2017



This project provides an architecture-based agent to manage adaptability in a workflow system. The proposed architecture is mainly composed of two types of agents: an agent manager and several user agents. The adaptation is validated in the workflow via rules called "adaptation rules". The system is implemented in the Java Agent DEvelopment Framework.



EnvEditor is a desktop application that can simulate a lot of algorithms that control a robot's movements. Graduation final project in Constantine university. © Mr. Mohamed Elkamel HAMDANE & Mr. Kadi Sohieb & Mr. Mili Seifeddine 2005



SvScA is a simulator for specifying and verifying the automotive air conditioning system linked directly with the UPPAAL model checker. © Mr. mohamed elkamel HAMDANE & Mr Yahyaoui mehdi & Mlle Zouaoui imene & Mlle Rima maroua. 2016
