DouglasMacKrell / Advanced-Basics-For-Web

A full stack app designed to showcase Jordan Manley's ongoing Advanced Basics for Web Class

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Advanced Basics for Web with Jordan Manley

Douglas MacKrell

Douglas MacKrell is a NYC based Full Stack Web Developer who is currently looking for work!






Jordan Manley needed an inviting and engaging way to provide present and future students access to his previous and continuing classwork archives.


A single page application to display the data within a dynamic database accessed through an Restful API. This gives Jordan the ability to quickly update the Archive as new classes are completed and planned.



    • Front Page
      • A beautiful 3-stage animation triggered by a user's scroll
        • Clip-Path Circle enlarges to reveal a video background while the centered Pursuit Logo shrinks and disappears
        • Page title fades in
        • Page sub-title fades in
      • The animation completes, the Front Page is unpinned, and scrolling resumes
    • Second Page
      • Archive of Jordan Manley's Advanced DSA classwork
        • A ClassList fetches the classOverview of all available classes and sorts and maps over that data sending single classes to individual ClassCards
        • A ClassCard fetches the fullClass data via the classId of the single class, and checks to see if the returned data has any of the 5 possible datapoints to display
          • Learning Objectives (possible list of multiple)
          • Video Recording
          • Source Code
          • Objective
          • Linked Lessons (possible list of multiple)

    • Express Server
    • GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes and queries for classes

TABLE: classes

id order_id title

TABLE: learning_objectives

id class_id order_id objective_text

TABLE: video_recording

id class_id video_url

TABLE: source_code

id class_id code_url

TABLE: outline

id class_id outline_url

TABLE: linked_lessons

id class_id order_id link_text link_url


  • Implement testing on both the front-end and back-end
  • Portal for Jordan to POST, PUT, and DELETE
  • Updating tables with a simple password to allow Jordan to securely POST, PUT, and DELETE to the database
  • DELETE routes/queries for all tables


  • Using gsap to implement a timeline with a ScrollTrigger
  • Hosting .mp4 video in the public folder
  • Adjusting the duration of animated elements within the gsap timeline
  • Creating and implementing a full CRUD API
  • Implementing SCSS for styling


  • React.js For the front-end/client interface of this app
  • gsap Javascript toolset for implementing CSS animations
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • Node.js && Express.js HTTP back-end server
  • pg-promise
  • PostreSQL Database


NOTE: You must install Node.js as well as PostgreSQL in your computer for this to run.

You can check for these dependencies with node -v and psql -v. If your shell/terminal doesn't complain and you see version numbers you are good to go!

  1. Clone this repo into a folder of your choice:

    `git clone`
  2. Install dependencies:

    `cd frontend && npm install && cd .. && cd back-end && npm install`
  3. Seed database:

    `cd database && psql -f ./seed.sql`
  4. To launch the Express Server, enter:

    `cd .. && npm start`
  5. In a new terminal window, head to Advanced-Basics-for-Web/frontend and enter:

    `npm start`
  6. A new browser tab should have been opened and the React App should be running. If that is not the case check both of the terminals' output for errors, if you are unable to troubleshoot the problem, I would be happy to address issues so open one

Please check out one of my favorite projects, DougTV!

DougTV Social Media

Before you leave, please take note:

You're the best! Thank you for visiting!

Please give this project a star and be sure to check out my YouTube Channel!


A full stack app designed to showcase Jordan Manley's ongoing Advanced Basics for Web Class


Language:JavaScript 84.1%Language:HTML 8.0%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:SCSS 2.8%