DotNetCross / NativeInts

Straightforward nint and nuint native integers, written in IL, probably second best to proper compiler support. Fully functional.

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Straightforward nint and nuint native integers, written in IL, probably second best to proper compiler support. Fully functional.

NuGet Package DotNetCross.NativeInts

NuGet version (DotNetCross.NativeInts)

nint API

public struct nint : IEquatable<nint>, IComparable<nint>
    public static readonly nint Zero;
    public IntPtr Value;

    public nint(IntPtr value);
    public nint(int value);
    public nint(long value);

    public int CompareTo(nint other);
    public override bool Equals(object obj);
    public bool Equals(nint other);
    public override int GetHashCode();
    public override string ToString();

    public static nint operator +(nint value);
    public static nint operator +(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator +(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator +(int l, nint r);
    public static nint operator -(nint value);
    public static nint operator -(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator -(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator -(int l, nint r);
    public static nint operator ~(nint value);
    public static nint operator ++(nint value);
    public static nint operator --(nint value);
    public static nint operator *(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator *(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator /(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator /(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator %(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator %(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator &(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator &(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator |(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator |(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator ^(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator ^(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator <<(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator <<(nint l, int r);
    public static nint operator >>(nint l, nint r);
    public static nint operator >>(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator ==(IntPtr l, nint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator ==(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator ==(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator ==(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator ==(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator !=(IntPtr l, nint r);
    public static bool operator !=(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator !=(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator !=(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator !=(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator !=(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator !=(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <(IntPtr l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator <(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator >(IntPtr l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator >(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator >(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <=(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator <=(IntPtr l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <=(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator <=(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nint l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nint l, IntPtr r);
    public static bool operator >=(long l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nint l, long r);
    public static bool operator >=(int l, nint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nint l, int r);
    public static bool operator >=(IntPtr l, nint r);

    public static implicit operator long(nint value);
    public static implicit operator IntPtr(nint value);
    public static implicit operator nint(int value);
    public static implicit operator nint(IntPtr value);
    public static explicit operator nint(long value);
    public static explicit operator int(nint value);

nuint API

public struct nuint : IEquatable<nuint>, IComparable<nuint>
    public static readonly nuint Zero;
    public UIntPtr Value;

    public nuint(UIntPtr value);
    public nuint(uint value);
    public nuint(ulong value);

    public int CompareTo(nuint other);
    public override bool Equals(object obj);
    public bool Equals(nuint other);
    public override int GetHashCode();
    public override string ToString();

    public static nuint operator +(nuint value);
    public static nuint operator +(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator +(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator +(uint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator -(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator -(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator -(uint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator ~(nuint value);
    public static nuint operator ++(nuint value);
    public static nuint operator --(nuint value);
    public static nuint operator *(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator *(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator /(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator /(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator %(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator %(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator &(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator &(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator |(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator |(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator ^(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator ^(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator <<(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator <<(nuint l, uint r);
    public static nuint operator >>(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static nuint operator >>(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator ==(UIntPtr l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator ==(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator ==(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator ==(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator !=(UIntPtr l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator !=(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator !=(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator !=(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator !=(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator !=(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator !=(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <(UIntPtr l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator <(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator >(UIntPtr l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator >(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator >(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <=(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator <=(UIntPtr l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator <=(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator <=(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator <=(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nuint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nuint l, UIntPtr r);
    public static bool operator >=(ulong l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nuint l, ulong r);
    public static bool operator >=(uint l, nuint r);
    public static bool operator >=(nuint l, uint r);
    public static bool operator >=(UIntPtr l, nuint r);

    public static implicit operator ulong(nuint value);
    public static implicit operator UIntPtr(nuint value);
    public static implicit operator nuint(uint value);
    public static implicit operator nuint(UIntPtr value);
    public static explicit operator nuint(ulong value);
    public static explicit operator uint(nuint value);

Comparing IntPtr/UIntPtr vs nint/nuint

Based on:


Besides supporting implicit conversion for:

  • IntPtr to/from nint
  • UIntPtr to/from nuint

The following conversions are supported compared to available conversions for IntPtr/UIntPtr.

From a Primitive Type

Name From IntPtr C# UIntPtr C# nint C# nuint C#
op_Implicit int N/A N/A Yes N/A
op_Implicit uint N/A N/A N/A Yes
op_Explicit long N/A N/A Yes N/A
op_Explicit ulong N/A N/A N/A Yes

To a Primitive Type

Name To IntPtr C# UIntPtr C# nint C# nuint C#
op_Implicit long N/A N/A Yes N/A
op_Implicit ulong N/A N/A N/A Yes
op_Explicit int N/A N/A Yes N/A
op_Explicit uint N/A N/A N/A Yes

Unary Operators

Name C++ Operator Symbol IntPtr C# UIntPtr C# nint C# nuint C#
op_Decrement --1 N/A N/A Yes Yes
op_Increment ++1 N/A N/A Yes Yes
op_UnaryNegation - (unary) N/A N/A Yes Yes
op_UnaryPlus + (unary) N/A N/A Yes Yes
op_LogicalNot ! N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_True ND2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_False ND2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_AddressOf & (unary) N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_OnesComplement ~ N/A N/A Yes Yes
op_PointerDereference * (unary) N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 From a pure C++ point of view, the way one must write these functions for the CLI differs in one very important aspect. In C++, these methods must increment or decrement their operand directly, whereas, in CLI, they must not; instead, they simply return the value of their operand +/- 1, as appropriate, without modifying their operand. The operand must be incremented or decremented by the compiler that generates the code for the ++/-- operator, separate from the call to these methods.

2 The op_True and op_False operators do not exist in C++. They are provided to support tristate Boolean types, such as those used in database languages.

Binary Operators

The table below shows the types that can be used together with the type in header for a given binary operator. By default this is for the type on either left or right side of expression (binary operator). However, for some cases an operator might only be available for a type at a specific side of the expression, with (R) meaning "right only".

Name C++ Operator Symbol IntPtr C# UIntPtr C# nint C# nuint C#
op_Addition + int (R) int (R) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint
op_Subtraction - int (R) int (R) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint
op_Multiply * N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_Division / N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_Modulus % N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_ExclusiveOr ^ N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_BitwiseAnd & N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_BitwiseOr | N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_LogicalAnd && N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_LogicalOr || N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_Assign N/D (= is not the same) N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_LeftShift << N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_RightShift >> N/A N/A nint, IntPtr, int (R) nuint, UIntPtr, uint (R)
op_SignedRightShift N/D N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_UnsignedRightShift N/D N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_Equality == IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_GreaterThan > IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_LessThan < IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_Inequality != IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_GreaterThanOrEqual >= IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_LessThanOrEqual <= IntPtr UIntPtr nint, IntPtr, int, long nuint, UIntPtr, uint, ulong
op_UnsignedRightShiftAssignment Not defined N/A N/A N/A N/A
op_MemberSelection -> N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#)
op_RightShiftAssignment >>= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_MultiplicationAssignment *= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_PointerToMemberSelection ->* N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#)
op_SubtractionAssignment -= int int nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_ExclusiveOrAssignment ^= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_LeftShiftAssignment <<= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_ModulusAssignment %= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_AdditionAssignment += int int nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_BitwiseAndAssignment &= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_BitwiseOrAssignment |= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
op_Comma , N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#)
op_DivisionAssignment /= N/A (N/O C#) N/A (N/O C#) nint, IntPtr, int nuint, UIntPtr, uint TODO
  • N/A = Not Available
  • N/O = Not Overloadable, but for assignment operators usably available via binary static operator e.g. += is available via +.

Object Methods

The following methods have the same or forward to the equivalent IntPtr/UIntPtr implementation.

public override bool Equals(object obj)
public override int GetHashCode()
public override string ToString()

Interface Methods

The following interfaces have been implemented for the given type nint or nuint:



Straightforward nint and nuint native integers, written in IL, probably second best to proper compiler support. Fully functional.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 98.1%Language:Batchfile 1.1%Language:PowerShell 0.9%