Dootmaan / M2OST

[AAAI 2025] M2OST: Many-to-one Regression for Predicting Spatial Transcriptomics from Digital Pathology Images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

M2OST: Many-to-one Regression for Predicting Spatial Transcriptomics from Digital Pathology Images

This is the official repository for AAAI 2025 paper M2OST: Many-to-one Regression for Predicting Spatial Transcriptomics from Digital Pathology Images

The code of the core M2OST network will be released shortly after in a torch.nn.Module style, while the complete training/validation code will be updated after a comprehensive sweep. Thank you for your interest in our work.


[AAAI 2025] M2OST: Many-to-one Regression for Predicting Spatial Transcriptomics from Digital Pathology Images

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%