- Intrusive Container
- Multi-index containers, Heterogeneous lookup, Shared_pointer, Weak_pointer
- Rvalue, Move
- Auto, Lambda
- Std::function, Type erasure, Variadic templates (1/2)
- Signals
- Variadic templates (2/2)
- Decltype, nullptr_t
- Optional, Variant
- Types of parallelism, Race condition, Mutex, Deadlock, Atomic types, condition_variable
- Promise + Future, Async, Thread pool, TLS, STM, HTM
- Map-reduce, Message loop, Fiber
- Ranges, Push and Pull strategies, Stackless coroutines
- Rvalue references for this, Strongly-typed enums
- Uniform initialization, Generalized Attributes
- Text encoding
- Filesystems
- Dll (1/2)
- Dll (2/2)