DoctorJohn / django-admin-anchors

Turn Django admin list display items into clickable links to related objects using decorators.

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Django Admin Anchors

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Django Version Codecov License

Turn Django admin list display items into clickable links to related objects using decorators.

Clicking admin anchors will redirect to a filtered changelist view showing the related objects. This allows you to get a quick overview and run actions on the filtered objects.


pip install django-admin-anchors


Take a look at the tests/project directory to see a runnable example project.

Add links to the object list page

Object list page (light mode) Object list page (dark mode)

from django.contrib import admin
from admin_anchors import admin_anchor
from yourapp.models import Team

class TeamAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ["__str__", "captain_link", "captains_profile_link", "members_link"]

    def captain_link(self, instance):
        return str(instance.captain)

    def captains_profile_link(self, instance):
        return "Captains profile"

    def members_link(self, instance):
        return f"{instance.members.count()} members"

Add links to the object update page

Object change page (light mode) Object change page (dark mode)

from django.contrib import admin
from admin_anchors import admin_anchor
from yourapp.models import Player

class PlayerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    readonly_fields = ["profile_link"]

    def profile_link(self, instance):
        return "Profile"

Example project

Take a look at our Django example project under tests/project. You can run it by executing these commands:

  1. poetry install
  2. poetry run python tests/project/ migrate
  3. poetry run python tests/project/ createsuperuser
  4. poetry run python tests/project/ runserver


Turn Django admin list display items into clickable links to related objects using decorators.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%