Doc-Zegno / handmada

Description is in progress

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Handmada - eQueue (version 1.0 - release)

Pretends to be a client-server program.


  • Users can add their attributes and book services.
  • Administrators can add new services, specialists and priority rules.
  • Server (a non-playable one) just processes the requests sent by clients.

Platform dependencies

The project is written for Unix and makes extensive (okay, not so extensive) use of Unix low-level libraries. Therefore, I guess, it should be run by Unix systems, although it's possible that the program can be run on Windows with Cygwin.

Please keep in mind, that embedded Makefile will try to launch valgrind. If valgrind is not available on your system, just replace valgrind-aware recipes with "non-valgrind" ones.

That is, the following recipes:

user: semiuser
    valgrind bin/User localhost 50000
admin: semiadmin
    valgrind bin/Admin localhost 50000
server: semiserver
    valgrind bin/Server 50000

should be replaced with these ones:

user: semiuser
    bin/User localhost 50000
admin: semiadmin
    bin/Admin localhost 50000
server: semiserver
    bin/Server 50000

Installation and launch

If you are lucky, the embedded Makefile will setup the whole system on his own. If you are not, you will have to rebuild Google Test Framework library (i.e. gtest_main.a) which is used by this project. This depends on the Unix version you are using. You can also just skip this step if you're not going to run tests.

Upon project files unpacking type the command:


in case you are really interested in this endless list of RUN - OK statements produced by Google Test Framework.

If you are not, just type

make build

to build the whole project and, after that, type

make server
make admin
make user

Please note: use separate terminal windows for these commands in order to run server, admin and user simultaneously! You are also not limited to only one user or admin process, feel free to run as many as you want.

Please note: it's not recommended to start the program manually, i.e by typing

cd bin

In case you do it, there is a chance the program won't be able to find dump-files directory.

After launch

If you're using user/admin console, you're able to interact with the system by typing commands from a predefined list. Keep in mind, that user will get the complete list only after signing in. You will be able to see your login in the prompt when you are signed in. Administrators don't have to sign them up/in. A typical session for not registered users looks like this:

:\> sign up kunsar
:\> sign in kunsar

Please, don't forget to type


in program's console to see the list of available commands and their usages.

User/Admin sessions can be closed with exit command. Server can be stopped by pressing Ctrl+C (or whatever combination that produces SIGINT signal on your machine). Don't confuse them! Otherwise valgrind will punish you for your crimes against the Earth!

Why can I undo only attribute related requests?

Because undo-mechanism was introduced only for demonstration purposes. The whole project is just a kind of demo and therefore there is a certain lack of functionality. However, since the author is not interested in this project anymore, please, don't expect the missing functionality will be added in future.

Priority rules syntax

The priority rule syntax is very simple and straightforward. The simplest possible rule looks like this:

age > 18

and obeys the following structure:

identifier operation literal

Identifier should be started with a lowercase letter. Spaces inside identifiers are forbidden. If you need a complex name, you can link words together using camelCase or under_score_naming_style. You can even mixThe_styles.

Operation can be one of these:

> < >= <= == !=

Keep in mind that string and boolean attributes support only equality and inequality tests. However a parser will remind you if you forget.

Literal is a kind of constant. It can be of string, number (i.e. double) and boolean type. String literals should be enclosed in quotes, boolean literal can be either yes or no. There is a list of valid literals:

"goto statement considered helpfull"    // string
47                                      // number
-137.42                                 // number too
yes                                     // boolean

The embedded parser is smart enough to deduce the type of entered attribute.

The basic priority rules (if you're looking through a code, they are called ComparisonPredicate's) can be combined with logical operations and can also be enclosed by parentheses. Logical operation denotes in the same way as in C language. The following example illustrates a complex priority rule:

university == "MSU" || job == "programmer" || !(hasMoneyAndPower == no)


Description is in progress


Language:C++ 99.0%Language:C 0.6%Language:Objective-C 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.1%