Dmitry Tatarintsev (DmitryTatarintsev)


Geek Repo

Company:Neural University

Location:Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dmitry Tatarintsev's repositories


AI module for doct24, which determines the likelihood of multiple sclerosis based on MRI images of the brain. Project goal: science, development of telemedicine.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0
Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


Web application with neural network for recognizing emergency calls and speech.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


AI module for doct24, which determines heart defects based on doctors’ certificates and diagnoses. Project goal: science, development of telemedicine.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A web application with a Fast API interface and a YOLOv9-c model trained to detect smoking and personal protective equipment (PPE) in the conditions of the Ural Automobile Plant. Project goal: reducing risks to health and life at the enterprise.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0
Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This project is an asynchronous Telegram bot designed to provide coffee shop recommendations based on geographic location.
