DmitryMigunov / jenkins-shared-libraries

Useful shared libraries for Jenkins pipelines

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shared libraries

Setup Jenkins

  1. Open Jenkins -- Manage Jenkins -- Configure System
  2. Find section "Global Pipeline Libraries"
  3. Set following fields:
    • Name: shared_library (it will be used in Jenkinsfile with anotation @Library)
    • Default version: master or another branch, tag name from repository
    • Load implicitly: false (optional). If checked, scripts will automatically have access to this library without needing to request it via @Library
    • Allow default version to be overriden: true (optional)
    • Include @Library changes in job recent changes: true (optional)
    • Select "Modern SCM": Git with parameters:

Add shared libraries to Jenkinsfile

For using Shared libraries You should add anotation at the beginning of Jenkinsfile:

@Library(jenkins-shared-libraries@master) _

Here is:

  • shared_library: name of shared libraries, which was set in "Setup Jenkins"
  • After @ you might set branch or tag name. You can omit @branch_name, because Jenkins get default version from "Setup Jenkins"
  • Underscore loads global variables to script in light mode without using "import" statement.

Full description of Shared Libraries: here

Global variables

Variables for declarative pipeline:

  • bitbucketStatus([status: status_name, reposlug: repo_name, ignoreMaster: true(default), false])
    • Valid status_name: INPROGRESS, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED.
    • Other statuses will raise error
    • If status_name is not specified, status_name will be related to build status in jenkins.
    • reposlug: override repository name. Default - imageName()
post {
    always {
steps {
    bitbucketStatus status: 'INPROGRESS', repoSlug: 'repoName', ignoreMaster: false
  • bitbucketStatusSuccessful()
  • bitbucketStatusSuccessful([repoSlug: 'repo_name', ignoreMaster: true(default), false])
  • bitbucketStatusFailed()
  • bitbucketStatusFailed([repoSlug: 'repo_name', ignoreMaster: true(default), false])
  • bitbucketStatusInProgress()
  • bitbucketStatusInProgress([repoSlug: 'repo_name', ignoreMaster: true(default), false])
  • commitId()
    • Get last commit ID
  • deploy([namespace: String, helmArgs: Map, postDeploy: List<Map>, helmValuesPath: String, lockResourceName: String, inverseLockPrecedence: Boolean])
    • namespace - k8s namespace of the deployment
    • valuesPath - custom path for values
    • helmArgs - --set arguments for helm
    • postDeploy - jobs to be run after the deployment (suitable for runTests)
    • Requires helmUpgrade()
    • Requires runTests()
    • Requires imageName()
    • Requires Lockable Resources plugin
    • inverseLockPrecedence - default true
container('helm') {
    deploy namespace: 'test', helmValuesPath: 'values_path.yaml',
        helmArgs: ['image.tag': imageTag()],
        postDeploy: [
                job: 'tests-api/master',
                parameters: [
                    string(name: 'TAGS', value: 'Project-1'),
                    booleanParam(name: 'RUN_TESTS', value: true)
                job: 'tests-web/master',
                parameters: [string(name: 'TAGS', value: 'Project-1')]
  • dockerBuild([dockerfile: docker_file_path, imageName: "imagename"])
    • Required Multibranch plugin
    • Required variable env.DOCKER_REGISTRY
    • Default imageName: global var imageName()
    • imageName: null, '', ' ' will be set default
    • Will be built with 2 tags: imageName:imageTag(), imageName:${BRANCH_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}
    • Default docker_file_path: './Dockerfile'
    • docker_file_path: null, '', ' ' will be set to default
    • Default imageName: first part of JOB_NAME
steps {
    container('docker') {


steps {
    container('docker') {
        dockerBuild dockerfile:'./files/DockerFile'
        dockerbuild imageName: 'any_name'
  • dockerPush([imageName: 'imagename')
    • Required Multibranch plugin
    • Required variable env.DOCKER_REGISTRY
    • Default imageName: global var imageName()
    • imageName: null, '', ' ' will be set to default
    • Will be pushed with with 2 tags: imageName:imageTag(), imageName:${BRANCH_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}
steps {
    container('docker') {
steps {
    container('docker') {
        dockerPush imegName: 'any_name'
  • dockerPushLatest([imageName: 'imagename'])
    • Tag and push image on latest
    • Required Multibranch plugin
    • Required variable env.DOCKER_REGISTRY
    • Default imageName: first part of JOB_NAME
    • imageName: null, '', ' ' will be set to default
steps {
    container('docker') {
steps {
    container('docker') {
        dockerPushLatest imagename: 'any_name'
  • helmLint([namespace: 'namespace', set: Map, valuesPath: String])
    • namespace must be valid, not null, empty or only whitespaces
    • helmArgs will be set via --set
    • valuesPath - custom path for values
steps {
    helmLint namespace: 'test', set: ['account.image.tag': imageTag()], valuesPath: 'values_path.yaml'
  • helmUpgrade([namespace: 'namespace', set: Map, valuesPath: String])
    • namespace must be valid, not null, empty or only whitespaces
    • helmArgs will be set via --set
    • valuesPath - custom path for values
steps {
    helmUpgrade namespace: 'test', set: ['account.image.tag': imageTag()], valuesPath: 'values_path.yaml'
  • kubernetesLabel()

    • Replace "${BUILD_TAG.take(53)}-x"
  • runTests([job: jobName, parameters: Jenkins parameters])

    • Started job step with parameters: [job: jobName, wait=true, propagate=false, parameters: Jenkins parameters]
    • If child build will return FAILURE, ABORTED, UNSTABLE - build will be set to UNSTABLE
    • You should check build status in next stages to avoid execution. UNSTABLE status will not stop next stages
steps {    
    runTests job: 'JOB_NAME/master', parameters: [TAGS: 'TEST_CATEGORY']    
  • slack([channel: channel_name, allure: boolean_value, blueocean: false])
    • Required Multibranch plugin
    • Default channel will be taken from Slack configuration in Jenkins
    • Build status will be taken from jenkins variable currentBuild.currentResult
    • Parameter allure: true(true, 'true', 'y', 1), false(false, 'false', null, '', ' ', 0, 'no')
    • Statuses are used: SUCCESS, FAILURE, UNSTABLE. Another ones will be ignored and you can see message in log.
    • blueocean: use link to blueocean (true, false). False - use classic console output
post {
    always {
        slack('#channel', 'y')


post {
    unstable {
        slack channel: '#channel1', allure: 'y'
    failure {
        slack channel:'#channel2', allure: false
  • imageName()

    • Replace "${JOB_NAME}".split('/')[0]
  • imageTag()

    • Replace commitId().take(7)
  • successBuild()

    • Expression: currentBuild.currentResult == 'SUCCESS'


Useful shared libraries for Jenkins pipelines

License:MIT License


Language:Groovy 100.0%