DmitryFurs / ecommerce121-github-actions-magento-2

This repository's aim is to provide a set of open sourced GitHub actions to write better tested Magento 2 code.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Actions for Magento 2 Projects

This repository's aim is to provide a set of open sourced GitHub actions to write better tested Magento 2 Project.

Available Actions

Coding Standard

Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to execute the latest Magento Coding Standard.

To speed up the action, an additional cache component is used. This component caches Composer dependencies.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/coding-standard.yml

name: Coding Standard
      - main
      - main
    name: Coding Standard
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/coding-standard@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
php-version 8.2
php-extensions gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip
composer-version v2 - latest stable Composer 2 version.
magento-coding-standard-version * - latest stable version.
path-to-code /
phpcs-extensions php,phtml,graphqls/GraphQL,less/CSS,xml,js/PHP
phpcs-ruleset There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.
skip-cache false

Specific Action Arguments

  • magento-coding-standard-version

    Default: * latest stable version.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom version of the Magento Coding Standard. By default, the most up-to-date version will be installed.

    This may be necessary in cases where an outdated version of Magento is used, and an outdated version of the standard must be used for it, since new versions may add new sniffers that are incompatible with outdated versions of Magento.

    A list of available versions can be found on the releases page of the standard.

    Example: magento-coding-standard-version: v31

  • phpcs-extensions

    Default: php,phtml,graphqls/GraphQL,less/CSS,xml,js/PHP

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom list of extensions for the --extensions argument for the phpcs tool.

    By default, the list of extensions has already been prepared according to the Magento Coding Standard.

    Example: phpcs-extensions: php,phtml,graphqls/GraphQL,less/CSS,html/PHP,xml,js/PHP

  • phpcs-ruleset

    Default: There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom ruleset. By default, a basic ruleset based on the Magento Coding Standard is used, with the exception of some annoying, but not mandatory rules.

    In order to use your own ruleset, you need to create your own ruleset file according to the instructions and add it to the repository file. Then you need to provide the absolute path to this file relative to the repository starting with the slash / character.

    Example: phpcs-ruleset: /path/to/your/ruleset.xml

Mess Detector

Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to execute the PHP Mess Detector rules included in Magento 2.

To speed up the action, an additional cache component is used. This component caches Composer dependencies.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/mess-detector.yml

name: Mess Detector
      - main
      - main
    name: Mess Detector
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/mess-detector@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
php-version 8.2
php-extensions gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip
composer-version v2 - latest stable Composer 2
phpmd-version * - latest stable version
path-to-code /
phpmd-ruleset There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.
skip-cache false

Specific Action Arguments

  • phpmd-version

    Default: * latest stable version.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom version of the PHP Mess Detector. By default, the most up-to-date version will be installed.

    This may be necessary in cases where an outdated version of Magento is used, and an outdated version of the detector must be used for it, since new versions may add new rules that are incompatible with outdated versions of Magento.

    A list of available versions can be found on the releases page of the tool.

    Example: phpmd-version: 2.13.0

  • phpmd-ruleset

    Default: There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom ruleset. By default, a basic ruleset based on the Magento 2 is used.

    In order to use your own ruleset, you need to create your own ruleset file according to the instructions and add it to the repository file. Then you need to provide the absolute path to this file relative to the repository starting with the slash / character.

    Example: phpmd-ruleset: /path/to/your/ruleset.xml

In the example above, the specific rules provided by Magento will not be used for checking.

In order for these rules to also be included in the check, use the following action.

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/mess-detector.yml

name: Mess Detector
      - main
      - main
    name: Mess Detector
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/mess-detector-full@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
php-version 8.2
php-extensions gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip
composer-version v2 - latest stable Composer 2
path-to-code /
phpmd-ruleset ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpmd/ruleset.xml
skip-cache false

phpmd-version argument is missing, since the version from the composer.lock file in the project will be installed.

Specific Action Arguments

  • phpmd-ruleset

    Default: ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpmd/ruleset.xml

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom ruleset. By default, a basic ruleset based on the Magento 2 is used.

    In order to use your own ruleset, you need to create your own ruleset file according to the instructions and add it to the repository file. Then you need to provide the absolute path to this file relative to the repository starting with the slash / character.

    Example: phpmd-ruleset: /path/to/your/ruleset.xml

During the operation of this action, the composer install command is executed, which leads to an increase in execution time. It is also possible to use a mixed workflow: check the app/code folder with a full action, and the app/design folder with a stripped-down one, since specific rules do not affect files in the app/design folder.

name: Mess Detector
      - main
      - main
    name: Mess Detector - Code
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/mess-detector-full@v2
          path-to-code: /app/code
    name: Mess Detector - Design
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/mess-detector@v2
          path-to-code: /app/design

PHP Compatibility

Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to execute the PHP Compatibility rules for specific PHP version.

To speed up the action, an additional cache component is used. This component caches Composer dependencies.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/php-compatibility.yml

name: PHP Compatibility
      - main
      - main
    name: PHP Compatibility
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/php-compatibility@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
php-version 8.2
php-extensions gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip
composer-version v2 - latest stable Composer 2
php-compatibility-version 10.x-dev
path-to-code /
php-compatibility-ruleset There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.
php-compatibility-test-versions 8.2-
skip-cache false

Specific Action Arguments

  • php-compatibility-version

    Default: 10.x-dev.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom version of the PHP Compatibility. By default, the version 10.x-dev is used, since it supports the current versions of PHP8+, but it has not been released yet.

    This may be necessary in cases where an outdated version of Magento is used, and an outdated version of the tool must be used for it, since new versions may add new rules that are incompatible with outdated versions of Magento.

    A list of available versions can be found on the releases page of the tool.

    Example: php-compatibility-version: 9.3.5

  • php-compatibility-ruleset

    Default: There is no default value, the basic ruleset will be used.

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom ruleset. By default, a basic ruleset based on the PHP Compatibility is used, with the exception of some annoying, but not mandatory rules.

    In order to use your own ruleset, you need to create your own ruleset file according to the instructions and add it to the repository file. Then you need to provide the absolute path to this file relative to the repository starting with the slash / character.

    Example: php-compatibility-ruleset: /path/to/your/ruleset.xml

  • php-compatibility-test-versions

    Default: 8.2-

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom test versions range.

    To get the most out of the PHPCompatibility standard, you should specify a php-compatibility-test-versions to check against. That will enable the checks for both deprecated/removed PHP features as well as the detection of code using new PHP features.


    • You can run the checks for just one specific PHP version by adding php-compatibility-test-versions: 8.2 to step arguments.
    • You can also specify a range of PHP versions that your code needs to support. In this situation, compatibility issues that affect any of the PHP versions in that range will be reported: php-compatibility-test-versions: 7.4-8.2.
    • You can omit one part of the range if you want to support everything above or below a particular version, i.e. use php-compatibility-test-versions: 7.4- to run all the checks for PHP 7.4 and above.


Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to execute the PHPStan rules included in Magento 2.

To speed up the action, an additional cache component is used. This component caches Composer dependencies.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/phpstan.yml

name: PHPStan
      - main
      - main
    name: PHPStan
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/phpstan@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
php-version 8.2
php-extensions gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip
composer-version v2 - latest stable Composer 2
path-to-code /
phpstan-configuration ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpstan/phpstan.neon
phpstan-level 1
setup-di-compile true
skip-cache false

Specific Action Arguments

  • phpstan-configuration

    Default: ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpstan/phpstan.neon

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom configuration. By default, a basic configuration is used.

    In order to use your own configuration, you need to create your own configuration file according to the instructions and add it to the repository file. Then you need to provide the absolute path to this file relative to the repository starting with the slash / character.

    Example: phpstan-configuration: /path/to/your/configuration.neon

  • phpstan-level

    Default: 1

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom check level.

    If you want to use PHPStan but your codebase isn’t up to speed with strong typing and PHPStan’s strict checks, you can currently choose from 10 levels (0 is the loosest and 9 is the strictest).

    You can also use max as an alias for the highest level. This will ensure that you will always use the highest level when upgrading to new versions of PHPStan.

    Please note that this can create a significant obstacle when upgrading to a newer version because you might have to fix a lot of code to bring the number of errors down to zero.

    Example: phpstan-level: 5

  • setup-di-compile

    Default: true

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to disable dependency compilation during check. Since part of the code is generated automatically in magento and this code is not in the repository, false positive errors may appear during static analysis due to the fact that some auto-generated classes are missing.

    To disable dependency compilation, pass false value .

    Example: setup-di-compile: false

Inline Styles

Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to detect inline styles.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/inline-styles.yml

name: Inline Styles
      - main
      - main
    name: Inline Styles
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        path-to-code: [ /app/code, /app/design ]
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/inline-styles@v2
          path-to-code: ${{ matrix.path-to-code }}

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
path-to-code /
file-extensions php phtml html

Specific Action Arguments

  • file-extensions

    Default: php phtml html

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom list of the file extensions.

    To add a file type for checking, you need to add it to the file-extensions parameter. For example, if we need to add .js extension, then add js to the existing file types separated by space.

    Example: file-extensions: php phtml html js

Unnecessary Files

Provides an action that can be used in your GitHub workflow to detect unnecessary files.

How to use it

In your GitHub repository add the below as .github/workflows/unnecessary-files.yml

name: Unnecessary Files
      - main
      - main
    name: Unnecessary Files
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: 121eCommerceLLC/github-actions-magento-2/unnecessary-files@v2

Available Arguments

Detailed information about common arguments is available in a Common Arguments section.

Argument Default Value
path-to-code /
unnecessary-file-extensions 7z asp back bak bz2 exe gz iso jar lz lz4 lzma lzo pass rar s7z shar sql sz tar tbz2 tgz tlz xz z zip zst DS_Store
excluded-paths dev lib

Specific Action Arguments

  • unnecessary-file-extensions

    Default: 7z asp back bak bz2 exe gz iso jar lz lz4 lzma lzo pass rar s7z shar sql sz tar tbz2 tgz tlz xz z zip zst DS_Store

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom list of the unnecessary file extensions.

    To add a file type for checking, you need to add it to the unnecessary-file-extensions parameter. For example, if we need to add .secret extension, then add secret to the existing file types separated by space.

    Example: unnecessary-file-extensions: 7z asp back bak bz2 exe gz iso jar lz lz4 lzma lzo pass rar s7z shar sql sz tar tbz2 tgz tlz xz z zip zst DS_Store secret

  • excluded-paths

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom list of excluded paths.

    Example: excluded-paths: dev lib

Common Arguments

The following arguments are common to many of the actions described above.

  • php-version

    Default: 8.2

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom PHP version.

    To configure PHP, a third party action shivammathur/setup-php is used.

    In order to specify the desired version, you need to select the supported version from the list. Supported versions are from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.3.

    Example: php-version: 7.4

  • php-extensions

    Default: 8.2

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom PHP extension list. At the moment, the list of required extensions for Magento is specified.

    This argument has the possibility of flexible configuration, you can find out about all the possibilities in the documentation.

    To add an extension, you need to add it to the php-extensions parameter. For example, if we need to add swoole extension, then add , swoole to the existing file types separated by comma.

    Example: php-extensions: gd, bcmath, soap, pdo_mysql, ctype, curl, dom, hash, iconv, intl, mbstring, openssl, simplexml, xsl, sockets, zip, swoole

  • composer-version

    Default: v2

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom Composer Version.

    You can set up the required composer version by specifying the major version v1 or v2, or the version in major.minor or semver format. Additionally, for composer snapshot and preview can also be specified to set up the respective releases.

    Example: composer-version: 1.10.26

  • path-to-code

    Default: /

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to specify a custom path to code.

    In our examples, almost all actions are run for the /app/code and /app/design folders, but in some situations we may need to run a check on some subfolders, for example, third-party modules were installed in the /app/code folder, and now when running checks there are errors unrelated to our code because of which we cannot make a merge of pull request, as this may be restricted in the repository settings. For such cases, we can simply specify the folder /app/code/Ecommerce121 and thereby circumvent this restriction.

    The same situation is with the /app/desing folder, if we have several themes installed, but we only want to check a certain one, then we can simply specify the path to our theme.

    Example: path-to-code: /app/code/Ecommerce121

  • skip-cache

    Default: false

    The argument is used to provide an opportunity to disable caching of composer dependencies. During the execution of actions that use composer to install dependencies, an additional step of caching dependencies is performed in order to reduce the execution time of the action. When launching actions, the cache is checked and previously loaded dependencies are used.

    To disable caching, pass true value.

    Example: skip-cache: true

How to run locally

Coding Standard

./vendor/bin/phpcs -p --colors --extensions=php,phtml,graphqls/GraphQL,less/CSS,xml,js/PHP --standard=Magento2 --exclude=Magento2.Annotation.MethodAnnotationStructure ./app/code/Ecommerce121/Module/

Mess Detector

./vendor/bin/phpmd ./app/code/Ecommerce121/Module/ ansi ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpmd/ruleset.xml --suffixes php,phtml

PHP Compatibility

./vendor/bin/phpcs -p --colors --extensions=php,phtml --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 7.4- ./app/code/Ecommerce121/Module/


To run phpstan, the preparation commands must be executed:

composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan --no-install
composer require --dev bitexpert/phpstan-magento --no-install
composer require --dev phpstan/extension-installer --no-install
composer config --no-plugins allow-plugins.phpstan/extension-installer true
composer install

Then the following command can be executed:

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyze ./app/code/Ecommerce121/Module/ --level 1 --configuration ./dev/tests/static/testsuite/Magento/Test/Php/_files/phpstan/phpstan.neon


This repository's aim is to provide a set of open sourced GitHub actions to write better tested Magento 2 code.


Language:PHP 100.0%