DmitriiDenisov / sdaia_t5c04_projects

Repo with all projects submitted by students

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Repo with all projects done by students

1. EDA: analysis of MTA data

GitHub by Abdulaziz Alshehri

GitHub by Alamr Meshal

GitHub by Asmaa Althakafi

GitHub by Elaf Alsaedi

GitHub by Elyas Maghrabi

GitHub by Fatima Alsaeed

GitHub by Ibrahim Alzuhairi

GitHub by Mohammed Osailan

GitHub by Muntaha Jaber

GitHub by Nada Rambu

GitHub by Norah Alkhalifah

GitHub by Raghad Alarifi

GitHub by Reef Alturki

GitHub by Sara Hawi

GitHub by Sarah Alabdulwahab

GitHub by Taef Abdullah

GitHub by Tia Alzanan

2. Regression

Concert price prediction by Sarah Alabdulwahab and Asmaa Althakafi

Car price prediction by Reef Alturki and Raghad Alarifi

Prediction of Airbnb prices by Elaf Alsaedi and Muntaha Jaber

Udemy subscribers prediction by Elyas Maghrabi

Youtube regression project by Fatima Alsaeed and Mohammed Osailan

Kayak flight price predition by Norah Alkhalifah and Alamr Meshal

LinkedIn likes prediction by Nada Rambu

Number of steps prediction by Abdulaziz Alshehri and Ibrahim Alzuhairi

GoodReads_Price_prediction by Taef Abdullah and Sara Hawi

3. Classification

Hotel Booking Cancelation Classification by Sarah Alabdulwahab and Asmaa Althakafi

Diamonds quality classification by Reef Alturki

Startup Success classification by Raghad Alarifi

Ransomware Transactions Detection by Elaf Alsaedi and Muntaha Jaber

Client term deposit classification by Elyas Maghrabi and Tia Alzanan

Fake jobs ads classification by Fatima Alsaeed and Mohammed Osailan

Rain prediction by Norah Alkhalifah and Alamr Meshal

Load default prediction by Nada Rambu

Fetal health prediction by Abdulaziz Alshehri and Ibrahim Alzuhairi

Spotify songs classification by Taef Abdullah and Sara Hawi

4. Unsupervised and NLP

Movies Recommender System and Topic Modeling by Sarah Alabdulwahab and Asmaa Althakafi

Topic modeling on Asos tweets by Reef Alturki and Raghad Alarifi

Game recommendation system by Elaf Alsaedi and Muntaha Jaber

Music recommendation system by Elyas Maghrabi

Twitter Nestiment analysis by Tia Alzanan

Spoiler Free Movie Recommender by Fatima Alsaeed and Mohammed Osailan

Tweets emotions detection by Norah Alkhalifah and Alamr Meshal

Trends in App Store by Nada Rambu

Topic modeling for newspapers by Abdulaziz Alshehri and Ibrahim Alzuhairi

Clustering Research Papers Abstracts by Taef Abdullah and Sara Hawi

5. Deep Learning

Optical Music Recognition by Sarah Alabdulwahab and Asmaa Althakafi

Classifying Heart condition by Reef Alturki and Raghad Alarifi

Generative Art by Elaf Alsaedi and Muntaha Jaber

Sign Language Classification by Elyas Maghrabi

Online offers detector by Fatima Alsaeed and Mohammed Osailan

Speech emotion recognition by Norah Alkhalifah and Alamr Meshal

Image and video auto description by Nada Rambu

Car image classification by Abdulaziz Alshehri and Ibrahim Alzuhairi

Desease detection with CNN by Taef Abdullah and Sara Hawi


Repo with all projects submitted by students