Dloretan's starred repositories
Office 365 for IT Pros PowerShell examples
Various Veeam products related PowerShell scripts
Random Powershell scripts related to Veeam Products
All type of PowerShell scripts, mainly focused on MIcrosoft Teams, SharePoint Online, SharePoint onprem, and ShareGate
PowerShell Script for Microsoft Teams Client Deployment
This script will help you generate a report that compiles results of backup jobs and send it via email if necessary.
EVC Helper Script as blogged on http://blogs.vmware.com/PowerCLI
This script queries Microsoft Teams for assigned numbers and displays in a formatted table with the option to export to CSV. During processing LineURI's are run against a regex pattern to extract the DDI/DID and the extension to a separate column. This script collects Microsoft Teams objects including: Users, Meeting Rooms, Online Application Instances (Resource Accounts) This script does not collect objects from on-premises environments even if in hybrid, instead use this script - https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Lync-Get-All-Assigned-8c1328a0
This repository contains scripts to enable a sys admin to configure a tape removal and recall script. The functions do more than that and can be expanded for other reporting
My Veeam Report is a flexible reporting script for Veeam Backup and Replication.