Divyanshu Grover's repositories
Career Nexus is a full-featured job portal for job seekers to explore, filter, and apply to positions, with an integrated admin panel for companies to post and manage listings. Tailored to streamline the job search process for users and empower companies to connect with talent efficiently.
Foody Zone is a dynamic food menu app where users can view prices, search for dishes by name, and filter items by meal types (All, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). Simplifying food discovery with easy browsing and categorization
The Result Management System is a sophisticated web application designed to manage and display student results in educational institutions.
Designed and developed Sundown Studio, a fully responsive and animated website showcasing proficiency in CSS Animation and JavaScript.
This project is a simple calculator application designed to perform basic arithmetic operations with a user-friendly interface.
RED Store is an e-commerce website specializing in workout gym clothes. This project showcases my proficiency in front-end development languages and provides a seamless online shopping experience.