Divinemonk / typewriter_effect_python

Create Typewriter effect in Python (3)

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Typewriter / Typing Effect - in Python

Let's create a program in python to print sentences like someone is actually typing !!


import sys, time

def typing(text):
    for character in text:

typing("Hello _ World !!")

Run this code online : Python Editor

Explaination !!

For people who want to learn & understand what is happening in the code , here is line by line explaination !

In the first line of code we are importing 'sys' (abbreviation of 'system') & 'time' packages.

1. import sys, time

[+] More about : import , sys , time

Now on third line we are creating a function , named 'typing' and passing argument 'text' in it.

3. def typing(text):

[+] More about : def

Next , we are using for loop. This will pass one string to print at a time .

4. for character in text:

[+] More about : for loop

Next two lines (5 & 6) our program prints given string , one by one .

5. sys.stdout.write(character)
6. sys.stdout.flush()

[+] More about : sys.stdout.write() , sys.stdout.flush()

Set the time to print each string . You can change the time within brackets as want.

7. time.sleep(0.05)

[+] More about : time.sleep()

Here we are calling the function 'typing()' , and giving argument 'Hello _ World !!'

9. typing("Hello _ World !!")

[+] More about : calling function