Diusrex / Illume

A game created for CMPUT 250. Won 4 awards at the yearly CMPUT 250 award ceremony

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Illume, by Magpie Rodeo

This is our game for CMPUT 250 in Fall 2014 at the University of Alberta.

For the year of 2014/2015, we won 4 awards out of 5 main awards:

  • Excellence in Art and Design
  • Excellence in Writing and Story
  • Audio Achievement
  • Game of the Year

We have also created a complete gameplay video and have some screenshots.


  • Deanna "Denaynay" Dombroski: Producer & Artist
  • Doug "Penman" Bennett: Lead Designer/Audio Design
  • Schyler "Schyler" Palm: Writer
  • Morgan "INT Ninja" Redshaw: Lead Programmer
  • Stuart "Dingmaster" Bildfell: Programmer
  • Shuxiao "Trailer Saver" Miao: Programmer
  • Ellit "Executive Lurker" Colp: Executive Producer

Voice Actors:

  • Karisma Kapoor
  • Anya Palm
  • Christopher M. Jaillet

Additional Story Credit to Derek Kwan

Playing the Game


You will first need to have Neverwinter Nights (NWN) installed. It is available on GOG for $10, or you can download it here.

Then, download and extract the zip from github into the Neverwinter Nights directory.

If you want to play anything other than the forest levels, you will need to also download the CEP hakpaks that we use from google drive, and extract that into the Neverwinter Nights directory.

Everything should now be installed!


  1. Start NWN, then select "New".
  2. Select "Other Modules".
  3. Load Illume - Area 1.
  4. Select "Use Pre-made Character".
  5. Select Susan Donado.
  6. Start the game.
  7. In-game controls are left-click to move, and F1 to pulse.

WARNING: If you are unable to pulse, then you selected the wrong character


Adding a new Module

  1. Once you have created the module, import the packages you will need from the folder called 'erf'. (To import, go to file->import). Required Packages:
  • MR_audio_log
  • MR_dinger
  • MR_environment
  • MR_step_stones
  • MR_tutorial
  1. Add the needed hakpaks to the module, using Edit->Module Properties, tab "Custom Content". Required Hakpaks:
  • MR_dinger
  • MR_models
  • MR_remove_ui
  • MR_sounds
  • JacobysJungle
  • Jungle Creatures
  • Jungle Sound
  1. Edit the scripts ran by the Module (under Edit->Module Properties, tab "Events"):
  • OnPlayerChat should use the script 'activate_pulse'
  1. Add all of the scripts imported by MR_dinger.erf to the cache (under Edit->Module Properties, tab "Cached Scripts").

  2. From the 'localvault' folder, ensure that the character is copied over into the 'localvault' folder in your NWN directory.

NOTE: If you are going to play an already configured module from the repository, you only need to ensure the character and needed hakpaks are in your NWN directory.

Adding a new Area

  1. To set up the camera, edit the OnEnter event of the area to use the script 'enter_area'.

  2. To disable resting, go to the "Area Properties" tab 'Advanced', and check the option "No Rest"

Intro tutorial

  1. To set up the intro tutorial, change the OnEnter event of the area from 'enter_area' to 'tutorial_start'.

Adding a dingable object

There are only two variables that are needed to be added to the object:

  1. An int variable named 'can_be_pulsed', with the value 1.

  2. A string variable named 'pulse_type', with the value of the pulse effect you want to use. To add a new effect, create a new tag for the effect, then add it into the pulse_effect file.


  • Should add the prefix "MR_" to all files created for this project.

  • All modules for our project should be in the modules folder, all hakpaks should be in the hak folder, the character should be in the localvault folder, and the scripts should be exported together by purpose (eg MR_Camera for camera scripts, MR_Dinger for scripts related to the dinger).

  • The purpose of this organization is that then you can just copy all of the contents of this repository into the Neverwinter nights directory and immediately run it.


A game created for CMPUT 250. Won 4 awards at the yearly CMPUT 250 award ceremony