DirectX / evm-proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EVM Proxy

JSON RPC 2.0 caching proxy (and simple balancer) for blockchain nodes (geth, Erigon, Solana, etc..). Running proxy is to be used instead of Web3 HTTP URL of real node in Web3 client library. In case of abscence of the data for given block in the particular node or some recoverable error instead of returning { ..., result: null } proxy will try over and over again for every available upstream.


  • Written on Rust with Tokio async library and Actix Web server. High speed data processing and low memory footprint. Could be compilled as standalone executable with no external dependencies
  • Handling of node's recoverable errors (no data for particular block in the particular node) with requerying from next available upstream
  • In-memory caching of all requests with automatic cache cleaning in terms of time to live and maximum cache capacity
  • Preventing some methods from caching
  • Maintain optional rate limits relevant to every upstream

Flow Chart

    participant Web3 Client
    participant EVM Proxy
    participant RAM Cache
    participant Node 1
    participant Node 2
    participant Node N

    Web3 Client->>EVM Proxy: eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]
    EVM Proxy->>EVM Proxy: cache permitted for 'eth_getBlockByNumber'?
    EVM Proxy->>RAM Cache: get('eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]')
    RAM Cache-->>EVM Proxy: None
    EVM Proxy->>Node 1: eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]
    Node 1-->>EVM Proxy: { error: { message: 'method handler crashed' } }
    EVM Proxy->>Node 2: eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]
    Node 2-->>EVM Proxy: { result: null }
    EVM Proxy->>Node N: eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]
    Node N-->>EVM Proxy: { result: { "difficulty":"0x2","extraData":"0x... } }
    EVM Proxy->>RAM Cache: set('eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]', { result: { "difficulty":"0x2","extraData":"0x... } })
    RAM Cache-->>EVM Proxy: OK
    EVM Proxy-->>Web3 Client: { result: { "difficulty":"0x2","extraData":"0x... } }

    Web3 Client->>EVM Proxy: eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]
    EVM Proxy->>EVM Proxy: cache permitted for 'eth_getBlockByNumber'?
    EVM Proxy->>RAM Cache: get('eth_getBlockByNumber[0x1,false]')
    RAM Cache-->>EVM Proxy: { result: { "difficulty":"0x2","extraData":"0x... } }
    EVM Proxy-->>Web3 Client: { result: { "difficulty":"0x2","extraData":"0x... } }



curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Clone Repository

git pull
cd evm-proxy

Copy Example Configs

cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
cp .env.example .env # optional, only to elevate log level if necessary

Edit config.yaml

  port: 8000
  enabled: true
    "eth_syncing": true
    "eth_blockNumber": true
  - http_url: http://localhost:8545
  - http_url:
    rate_limit: 10K / 5 m
    failover: true
  "method handler crashed": true
  "header not found": true

Cache as of now could be either on (true) and off (false). TTL and capacity tuning TBD.

Marking last upstream with failover: true means that this upstream will wait for response if rate limits was exceeded. If upstream not marked as failover and runs out of rate limits next upstream will be requested immediately if available.

try_next_upstream_on_errors is an example of internal error which assumes local node problem possibly recoverable using another upstream node request with the same params. This could be extended with other application-specific recoverable errors.

Rate limits examples

  • 10 / 1 (implies 10 / 1 s)
  • 1 / 1 s
  • 10 / 1 s
  • 10K / 5 m
  • 100K / 24 h


cargo run


curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x1406f40",false]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000

Release build

cargo build --release

Binary will be placed in ./target/release/evm-proxy



Language:Rust 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%