DipakBagal / abaverify

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A python package built on unittest for running verification tests on Abaqus user subroutines. Basic familiarity with unittest and Abaqus user subroutine development is assumed in this readme.

This software may be used, reproduced, and provided to others only as permitted under the terms of the agreement under which it was acquired from the U.S. Government. Neither title to, nor ownership of, the software is hereby transferred. This notice shall remain on all copies of the software.

Copyright 2016 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

For any questions, please contact the developers:


This package assumes that you have python 2.x and git installed. This packaged is designed for Abaqus 2016 and it has been used successfully with v6.14; it may or may not work with older versions. It also assumes that you have an Abaqus user subroutine in a git repository with a minimum directory structure as shown here:


The user subroutine is stored in the for/ directory and the verification tests are stored in the <your_userSubroutine_repo_dir>/tests/ directory.

Install abaverify

Abaverify can be installed using the python utility pip (8.x+). The following sections provide a short summary of how to use pip to install abaverify. Clone abaverify into a convenient directory:

$  git clone https://github.com/nasa/abaverify.git

Then install using the -e option:

$  pip install -e path/to/abaverifyDir

That's it.

If install fails with errors indicating an issue with paramiko or cryptography, see the paramiko installation guide for troubleshooting.

The remainder of this section describes how to build your own tests using abaverify (e.g., what goes inside the test_model1.inp, test_model1_expected.py, and test_runner.py) files. For a working example, checkout the sample verification test in the abaverify/tests/tests/ directory. You can run the sample test with the command python test_runner.py from the abaverify/tests/tests/ directory. Note, the default environment file (abaverify/tests/tests) is formatted for windows; linux users will need to modify the default environment file to the linux format.

Create .inp and .py files for each test model

A model file (*.inp or *.py) and corresponding results file (*_expected.py) with the same name must be created for each test case. These files are placed in the tests/ directory. The model file is a typical Abaqus input deck or python script, so no detailed discussion is provided here (any Abaqus model should work). When tests are executed (with the command python test_runner.py), the models in the tests/ directory are run in Abaqus.

The *_expected.py file defines the assertions that are run on the odb output from the analysis. After each analysis is completed, the script abaverify/processresults.py is called to collect the quantities defined in the *_expected.py file. The *_expected.py file must contain a list called "results" that contains an object for each result of interest. A typical result quantity would be the maximum stress for the stress component S11. For example:

parameters = {
            # Simple example to find max value of state variable d2
                "type": "max",                                      # Specifies criteria to apply to the output quantity
                "identifier":                                       # Identifies which output quantity to interrogate
                        "symbol": "SDV_CDM_d2",
                        "elset": "ALL",
                        "position": "Element 1 Int Point 1"
                "referenceValue": 0.0                               # This the value that the result from the model is compared against
            <Additional result object here>

The value found in the odb must match the reference value for the test to pass. In the case above, the test is simply to say that SDV_CDM_d2 is always zero, since the range of SDV_CDM_d2 happens to be between 0 and 1. Any history output quantity can be interrogated using one of the following criteria defined in the type field: max, min, continuous, xy_infl_pt, disp_at_zero_y, log_stress_at_failure_init, slope, or finalValue. Here's a more complicated example:

parameters = {
            # More complicated case to find the slope of the stress strain curve within the interval 0.0001 < x < 0.005
                "type": "slope",
                "step": "Step-1",                                   # By default all steps are used. You can specify any step with the step name
                "identifier": [                                     # The identifier here is an array since we are looking for the slope of a curve defined by x and y
                    { # x
                        "symbol": "LE11",
                        "elset": "ALL",
                        "position": "Element 1 Int Point 1"
                    { # y
                        "symbol": "S11",
                        "elset": "ALL",
                        "position": "Element 1 Int Point 1"
                "window": [0.0001, 0.005],                          # [min, max] in x        
                "referenceValue": 171420,                           # Reference value for E1
                "tolerance": 1714                                   # Require that the calculated value is within 1% of the reference value

The results array can contain as many result objects as needed to verify that the model has performed as designed. Assertions are run on each result object and if any one fails, the test is marked as failed.

Create a test_runner.py file

The file sample_usage.py gives an example of how you call your newly created tests. By convention, this file is named as test_runner.py. This file must include:

  1. import abaverify.
  2. classes that inherit abaverify.TestCase and define functions beginning with test following the usage of unittest. See the sample_usage.py for an example.
  3. call to runTests() which takes one argument: the relative path to your user subroutine (omit the .f or .for ending, the code automatically appends it).

Functionality in unittest can be accessed via abaverify.unittest. One example of the use case for this is that unittest decorators can be applied to functions and classes in the test_runner.py file.

Running your tests

Before running tests, make sure you place an Abaqus environment file in your project's tests/ directory. At a minimum, the environment file should include the options for compiling your subroutine. If you do not include your environment file, abaverify will give an error.

You can run your tests with the syntax defined by unittest. To run all tests, execute the following from the tests directory of your project:

tests $  python test_runner.py

All of the tests that have been implemented will be run. The last few lines of output from these commands indicate the number of tests run and OK if they are all successful.

To run a single test, add the class and test name. For example for the input deck test_CPS4R_tension.inp type:

tests $  python test_runner.py SingleElementTests.test_CPS4R_tension

Command Line Options

Various command line options can be used as described below.

  • -A or --abaqusCmd can be used to override the abaqus command to specify a particular version of abaqus. By default, the abaqus command is abaqus. Specify a string after the option to use a different version of abaqus. For example:
tests $  python test_runner.py SingleElementTests.test_C3D8R_simpleShear12 -A abq6123
  • -c or --preCompileCode can be specified to use abaqus make to compile the code into a binary before running one or more tests. A function that compiles the code must be provided to abaverify as an argument to the runTests function call in test_runner.py. The usub_lib option must be defined in the environment file.
  • -C or --cpus can be used to run abaqus jobs on more than one cpu. By default, abaqus jobs are run on one cpu. To specify more than one cpu, use a command like:
tests $  python test_runner.py SingleElementTests.test_C3D8R_simpleShear12 -C 4
  • -d or --double can be specified to run explicit jobs with double precision.
  • -e or --useExistingBinaries can be specified to reuse the most recent compiled version of the code.
  • -i or --interactive can be specified to print the Abaqus log data to the terminal.
  • -n or --doNotSaveODB can be used to disable saving of x-y data to the odb. This is sometimes helpful when debugging post processing scripts in conjunction with -r
  • -r or --useExistingResults can be specified to reuse the most recent test results. The net effect is that only the post-processing portion of the code is run, so you don't have to wait for the model to run just to debug a _expected.py file or processresults.py.
  • -R or --remoteHost can be specified to run the tests on a remote host, where the host information is passed as user@server.com[:port][/path/to/run/dir]. The default run directory is <login_dir>/abaverify_temp/. Looks for a file in the tests/ directory called abaverify_remote_options.py, which can be used to set options for working with the remote server. An example of this file is available abaverify/tests/tests/abaverify_remote_options.py. Usage example:
tests $  python test_runner.py -R username@server.sample.com
  • -s or equivalently --specifyPathToSub can be used to override the relative path to the user subroutine specified in the the call abaverify.runTests() in your test_runner.py file.
  • -t or --time can be specified to print the run times for the compiler, packager, and solver to the terminal. For example:
tests $  python test_runner.py SingleElementTests.test_C3D8R_simpleShear12 --time
  • -V or --verbose can be specified to print the Abaqus log data to the terminal.
  • -x or --expiration can be specified to set a duration (in seconds) after which the job is killed to prevent long running jobs that may occur as a result of an error in the subroutine. A job-specific expiration can be set by adding "expiration": <time in seconds> to the parameters dictionary in a *_expected.py file.

Results type

A variety of different types of results can be extracted from the odbs and compared with reference values. A list of each support type and brief explanation are provided below:

  • max: finds the maximum value of an xy data set
  • min: finds the minimum value of an xy data set
  • continuous: finds the maximum delta between two sequential increments an xy data set
  • xy_infl_pt: finds an inflection point in xy data set
  • disp_at_zero_y: finds the displacement (implied as x value) where the y value is zero in an xy data set
  • log_stress_at_failure_init: finds stress at failure (intended for checking failure criteria)
  • slope: finds the slope of an xy data set
  • finalValue: finds the y value at the last increment in the xy data set
  • x_at_peak_in_xy: finds the x-value corresponding to the absolute peak in the y-value
  • tabular: compares the values for a list of tuples specifying x, y points [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)...]. See example for further details

Eval Statement

Every abaverify results type (max, min, tabular, etc.) has a default usage where either one history object is specified (using the identifier dictionary object) or two history objects (x and y) are specified. Essentially, a value like displacement (u) and reaction force (rf) can be extracted from the abaqus results file and asserted against directly.

There are times when this is limiting and some combination of Abaqus quantities is more convenient to be asserted against. If the results type specifies only a single a single history object then an evalStatement key may be specified within the results specifier dictionary. If there results type specifies an x and y history identifier then two separate evalStatements ( xEvalStatement and yEvalStatement ).

An eval statement is generally an arithmetic combination of results history objects. An eval statement is a string where previously defined history objects maybe referenced (via there assigned label key). An example of an eval statement is given below:

    "evalStatement": "(d['n1_U1'] + d['n2_U1']) / 10.0"

In the example above, n1_U1 and n2_U2 would be identifying dictionaries with those very labels (labels should therefore be unique) which are summed and then divided by 10.0.

NOTE: To access a result defined in an identifier object the general syntax is d[]. This is because internally a dictionary of results (d) is created where label is made to be key. Therefore, to access the data in the dictionary d one must use the python syntax to do so (d[]).

Tabular Example Using Eval Statement

The tabular example by default uses the two identifier dict objects to define x and y data respectively (which is thusly compared to a list of tuples specified as referenceValue). Additionally, a more advanced usage is allowed within the tabular option to specify a pythonic statement for combinging multiple identifier results into a set of x values (and y values). This is best seen by way of example:

    length = 10
    area = 100
    "results": [
            "type": "tabular",
            "identifier": [
                {   "label": "x1",
                    "symbol": "U2",
                    "nset": "LOADAPP"
                {   "label": "x2",
                    "symbol": "U2",
                    "position": "Node 4",
                    "nset": "LOADFOLLOWERS"
                {   "label": "y",
                    "symbol": "RF2",
                    "nset": "LOADAPP"
            # Use eval statements to calculate a reference strain and stress val from abaqus output of force and disp
            "xEvalStatement": "(d['x1'] + d['x2']) / (2 * {length})".format(length=length),
            "yEvalStatement": "d['y']/ {area}".format(area=area),
            "referenceValue": [
                            (0.0, 0.0), 
                            (0.000582908, 1.49516), 
                            (0.000944326, 2.4222), 
                            (0.00138836, 3.56113)
            "tolerance": (0.0001, 0.350)

In the example above labels are given to identifier dictionaries (for subsequent use in evaluation statements). Then a xEvalStatement and yEvalStatement is provided which can be any pythonic evaluatable expression (generally, some combination of the xy history results specified by the labeled identifier objects). In this example, two displacements are extracted from the odb (labeled x1 and x2). They are averaged together and then normalized by some length to determine a reference strain value. Because this combination is defined in the xEvalStatement these points will become the basis for the x's. Similarly y points are defined by normalizing force by area for reference stress determination. After the definition of x and y points through eval statements the comparison for test is identical to the default tabular implementation (comparison to referenceValue within specified tolerance).

Custom assertions in the test_runner.py file

User-defined assertions can be added without modifying the abaverify code as follows. Optional arguments func and arguments are provided in the self.runTest() function call. func is a python function that receives three positional arguments: the abaverify object, the jobname, and the object passed to arguments. The user-defined code in func may implement any logic necessary and then use the abaverify object to make the necessary assertions.

Automatic testing

Abaverify has the capability to run a series of tests, generate a report, and plot run times against historical run times. See automatic.py and automatic_testing_script.py for details.




Language:Python 91.7%Language:Fortran 8.3%