DinosaurDad / kamome

Kamome is iOS/Android library sending messages between JavaScript and native code written by Swift/Objective-C or Java in the WebView.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kamome is a library for iOS and Android apps using the WebView. This library bridges a gap between JavaScript in the WebView and the native code written by Swift, Java or Kotlin.

Kamome provides common JavaScript interface for iOS and Android.

Quick Usage

Send a message from the JS code to the native code

  1. Send a message from the JavaScript code

    // JavaScript
    // Send `echo` command.
    Kamome.send('echo', { message: 'Hello' }).then(function (result) {
        // Receive a result from the native code if succeeded.
    }).catch(function (error) {
        // Receive an error from the native code if failed.
  2. Receive a message on iOS

    // Swift
    private lazy var webView: WKWebView = {
        let webView = WKWebView(frame: self.view.frame)
        return webView
    private var kamome: Kamome!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Create the Kamome object with default webView.
        self.kamome = Kamome(webView: self.webView)
        // Register `echo` command.
        kamome.add(Command(name: "echo") { commandName, data, completion in
                  // Received `echo` command.
                  // Then send resolved result to the JavaScript callback function.
                  completion.resolve(with: ["message": data!["message"]!])
                  // Or, send rejected result if failed.
                  //completion.reject(with: "Echo Error!")
        let htmlURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "index", withExtension: "html", subdirectory: "www")!
        self.webView.loadFileURL(htmlURL, allowingReadAccessTo: htmlURL)

    [NOTE] This framework supports WKWebView only. UIWebView not supported.

  3. Receive a message on Android

    // Java
    private Kamome kamome;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webView);
        // Create the Kamome object with the webView.
        kamome = new Kamome(webView)
            .add(new Command("echo", new Command.IHandler() {  // Register `echo` command.
                public void execute(String commandName, JSONObject data, ICompletion completion) {
                    // Received `echo` command.
                    // Then send resolved result to the JavaScript callback function.
                    HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
                    map.put("message", data.optString("message"));
                    // Or, send rejected result if failed.
                    //completion.reject("Echo Error!");

Send a message from the native code to the JS code

  1. Send a message from the native code on iOS

    // Swift
    // Send a data to JavaScript.
    kamome.sendMessage(with: ["greeting": "Hello! by Swift"], name: "greeting") { (commandName, result, error) in
        // Received a result from the JS code.
        guard let result = result else { return }
        print("result: \(result)")
  2. Send a message from the native code on Android

    // Java
    // Send a data to JavaScript.
    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
    data.put("greeting", "Hello! by Java");
    kamome.sendMessage(data, "greeting", new Kamome.ISendMessageCallback() {
        public void onReceiveResult(String commandName, Object result, Error error) {
            // Received a result from the JS code.
            Log.d(TAG, "result: " + result);
  3. Receive a message on the JavaScript code

    // JavaScript
    // Add a receiver that receives a message sent by the native client.
    Kamome.addReceiver('greeting', function (data, resolve, reject) {
        // The data is the object sent by the native client.
        // Run asynchronous something to do...
        setTimeout(function () {
            // Return a result as any object or null to the native client.
            // If the task is failed, call `reject()` function.
            //reject('Error message');
        }, 1000);

Include Library in Your Project

1. JavaScript

  1. Download latest Kamome SDK

  2. Import kamome.js or kamome.min.js

    <script src="/path/to/kamome[.min].js"></script>

    Or, you copy all code in kamome.js file to your JavaScript.

2. iOS App


Kamome is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "kamome"


Kamome is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "HituziANDO/kamome"

Manual Installation

  1. Drag & drop kamome.framework into your Xcode project
  2. Click General tab in your target
  3. In Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, Select "Embed & Sign" for kamome.framework

Import Framework

Write the import statement in your source code

import kamome

3. Android App


Add the following code in build.gradle(project level).

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url 'https://hituziando.github.io/kamome/android/repo'

Add the following code in build.gradle(app level).

dependencies {		
    implementation 'jp.hituzi:kamome:3.0.0'

Manual Installation

  1. Copy kamome-x.x.x.jar to YOUR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PROJECT/app/libs directory
  2. Sync Project in AndroidStudio


Timeout to request from the JS code to the native code

Kamome.send method in JavaScript expects a resolve or reject response will be returned in a duration. If the request is timed out, it's the callback calls reject with the requestTimeout error. You can change default request timeout. See following.

// JavaScript

// Set default timeout in millisecond.

If given time is less than or equal to 0, the request timeout function is disabled.

If you want to specify a request timeout individually, you set a timeout in millisecond at Kamome.send method's 4th argument.

// JavaScript

// Set a timeout in millisecond at 4th argument.
const promise = Kamome.send(commandName, data, null, 5000);


Hook the command before calling it, and after processing it.

// JavaScript

// Hook.
    .before("getScore", function () {
        // Called before sending "getScore" command.
        Kamome.send("getUser").then(function (data) {
            console.log("Name: " + data.name);
    .after("getScore", function () {
        // Called after "getScore" command is processed.
        Kamome.send("getAvg").then(function (data) {
            console.log("Avg: " + data.avg);

// Send "getScore" command.
Kamome.send("getScore").then(function (data) {
    console.log("Score: " + data.score + " Rank: " + data.rank);

Browser Only

When there is no Kamome's iOS/Android native client, that is, when you run with a browser alone, you can register the processing of each command.

// JavaScript

    .addCommand("echo", function (data, resolve, reject) {
        // Received `echo` command.
        // Then send resolved result to the JavaScript callback function.
        resolve({ message: data["message"] });
        // Or, send rejected result if failed.
        //reject("Echo Error!");

More info, see my iOS sample project and Android sample project.


Kamome is iOS/Android library sending messages between JavaScript and native code written by Swift/Objective-C or Java in the WebView.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 34.3%Language:Java 27.3%Language:JavaScript 13.9%Language:Vue 5.9%Language:CSS 5.7%Language:Objective-C 4.3%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:Kotlin 3.1%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:Ruby 1.1%