DimaKush / Willer

Testamentory notary smart contract

Home Page:https://willer-eth.vercel.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Willer. Delayed token recovery tool

Willer is a smart contract designed to facilitate the secure distribution of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens according to the terms of a digital will. Testators can define beneficiaries, specify their shares, set a release time, and extend the release period if necessary. Beneficiaries, in turn, can claim their allocated tokens once the release time expires.

Live on Goerli Testnet


Example: Alice bequeaths her tokens to Bob, Tim and Jane. Alice set share of ERC20 & ERC1155 tokens for Bob equal to 7 (7/(7+9) = 43.75%), Tim's share is 9 (9/(7+9) = 56.25%). Jane does not have a share of fungible tokens, but Alice bequeath all ERC721 (NFT) tokens to Jane. Alice sets the delay of the execution of the Will equal to 365 days. This means that exactly one year later, all of her tokens added to Will are able to be transferred to the beneficiaries. To execute Will any of beneficiaries needs to claim the inheritance - go to willer-ui.vercel.app/'testator's address', connect wallet, click "Execute" button and sign a transaction. After 360 days, Alice will receive a notification to extend the will by clicking the Update button (will add notifications feature soon). Alice is alive and well, she has not lost her private key and access to her wallet, so she extends her will for another 365 days.


  1. Install Brownie.

  2. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/DimaKush/Willer
    cd Willer
  3. If you want to deploy on testnets, do the following.

    Set our environment variables to a .env file. You can use the .env_example in this repo as a template, just fill in the values and rename it to '.env'.


  1. Open the Brownie console. Starting the console launches a fresh Ganache instance in the background.

    brownie console

    Alternatively, to run on Goeri, set the network flag to goerli

    brownie console --network goerli
  2. Run the deployment script to deploy the project's smart contracts using Brownie console:


    Or in terminal:

    brownie run deploy_willer --network goerli

    Replace goerli with the name of the network you wish you use. You may also wish to adjust Brownie's network settings.

  3. Interact with the smart contract using Brownie console:

    # setup script
    # add will
    Willer[-1].addWill([accounts[1], accounts[2]], [80, 20], accounts[3], 1691455347, {'from': accounts[0]})
    # set new release time
    Willer[-1].setNewReleaseTime(1791455347, {'from': accounts[0]})   


Configure settings at 'brownie-config.yaml'


To run the test suite:

brownie test


Distributed under the MIT License


[Faucet] (https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/)

Brownie documentation

"Getting Started with Brownie"

Patrick Collins tutorial on youtube

Brownie Mixes

OpenZeppelin docs


Ethereum boilerplate




Testamentory notary smart contract


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 67.0%Language:Python 18.3%Language:Solidity 14.6%Language:JavaScript 0.1%