Dilshad737 / Dilshad737

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Hi πŸ‘‹, I'm Dilshad Ali

Machine Learning Ninja

Changing the world one pixel at a time!

https://twitter.com/Dilshad_Chattha https://www.linkedin.com/in/dilshad-ali-b729b8132/ https://www.fiverr.com/ch_dilshad_ali

πŸ‘‹ About Me

I am Dilshad Ali, a Graduate of COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. I'm working as an AI Engineer for EMPIRE PIXEL. Where I focus on Object Segmentation, Object Detection, Object Classification, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Data Science.Being pragmatic by nature, I inhabit an up help desire and straight forward outlook. I believe in constant learning and exploring new things and wish to travel the world and try every cuisine.

  • πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ Hey! I'm Dilshad Ali, a 25 year old AI Engineer at Empire Pixel working out of Vehari, Punjab Pakistan.
  • πŸ”­ I’m currently working on DL | CV | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Deep Fake | Face Swap | NLP | Data Science
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning AI and DL
  • πŸ“« How to reach me ghaznvi737@gmail.com
  • ⚑ Fun fact: I have a Computer Engineering background, but most of the credit goes to Google and Stack Overflow πŸ˜ͺ


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