Dilmurod-Ruziev / russian-invasion

On March 2, 2022, UN members voted to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How they distributed through economic and military alliances

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UN votes to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Resources
  4. Usage
  5. Contact

About The Project

Final analysis Screen Shot

On March 2, 2022, UN members voted to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This data analysis focuses on how economic dependencies, geological location, and military alliances could influence the choices countries have made. Also, it could give an idea of how votes will be distributed if one country invades another. Some insights that have been found:

  • No country that has a political alliance with the Russian Federation has voted against the condemnation while all countries of NATO(Sweden and Finland included) voted in favor
  • No country with an import dependency on Russia with more than 15% has voted against the condemnation
  • Asian and African countries' votes are not unified while almost all other countries voted in favor of condemnation

The project is made for educational purposes and does not intend to harm any country or nation and is free to use. Enjoy!

Built With

The main tools that I have used in this project are Python(pandas), Power BI, Excel

  • Python
  • Power BI
  • Excel


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Dilmurod-Ruziev/russian-invasion
  2. Install pandas
    pip install pandas
  3. Open un_votes.pbix on Power BI and import python data from main.py file if necessary



Feel free to play around. Contact me if you have any questions or problems with the project. If you want to share the project please mention this GitHub page or my fullname.


Dilmurod Ruziev - dilmurodr00@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/Dilmurod-Ruziev/russian-invasion

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On March 2, 2022, UN members voted to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How they distributed through economic and military alliances


Language:Python 100.0%