Dieken / CudaText_up

Bash script to download CudaText sources (all packages) and compile them. Requires Lazarus 2.0+.

Repository from Github https://github.comDieken/CudaText_upRepository from Github https://github.comDieken/CudaText_up

Bash script to download all CudaText sources and build them. Working dir is ~/cudatext_up. Build results are in subdir /bin. You need to clone the whole repository to use the script.

Download + build for current platform:

./cudaup.sh -g -m

Download + build for current platform and install packages in Lazarus:

./cudaup.sh -g -p -m

Download + build for current platform, with custom path to Lazarus:

./cudaup.sh -g -m -l /path/to/lazarus

Download + cross-compile to another platform:

./cudaup.sh -g -m -l /path/to/lazarus -o system -c cpu
  • Possible values of "system": win32, win64, linux, darwin, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd, dragonfly, solaris, haiku.
  • Possible values of "cpu" (not for win32, win64): i386, x86_64, arm, aarch64, sparc.
  • Better run script via "sudo", otherwise new folders will have mode rw-r--r-- and resulting CudaText binary cannot create its config settings/user.json

To cross-compile to another platform, you need to use FpcUpDeluxe and install cross-compilers in its GUI.

  • Author: Artem Gavrilov (@Artem3213212)
  • License: MIT


Bash script to download CudaText sources (all packages) and compile them. Requires Lazarus 2.0+.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%