Diane-Besmonte / Daily-UI

Collection of my Daily UI challenge outputs.

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Welcome to my Daily UI Challenge repository! Here, you'll find a collection of my daily design outputs as part of the challenge. Explore my Daily UI Challenge journey, where I create simple and engaging user interfaces based on prompts I receive in my daily emails. Each design showcases my daily practice and creativity. Check out the collection and feel free to share your thoughts!

Day 1: Sign Up

Prompt: Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.

Output Link: Sign Up Modal for Coffee Business Website

Output Image: Day 1 - Sign Up

Day 2: Credit Card Checkout

Prompt: Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don't forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.

Output Link: Credit Card Checkout Form

Output Image: Day 2 - Credit Card Checkout

Day 3: Landing Page

Prompt: What's the main focus? Is it for a book, an album, a mobile app, a SaaS product? Consider important landing page elements (Headlines, call-to-action buttons, typography, clarity, etc.)

Output Link: Landing Page for Chocolate Business

Output Image: Day 3 - Landing Page

Day 4: Calculation

Prompt: Design a calculation element or interface. Is it a standard calculator, a scientific one, or specialty calculator for something such as a home mortgage or auto loan? Is it to forecast a calculation such as for a credit score? Is it for a phone, a tablet, a web app?

Output Link: Standard Calculator for Smartphone

Output Image: Day 4 - Calculation

Day 5: App Icon

Prompt: Design an app icon. What best represents the brand or product? Or is it incredibly unique? Does it look great at a distance and does it stand out when put on your home screen alongside other apps?

Output Link: App Icon design for a diary app

Output Image: Day 5 - App Icon

Day 6: User Profile

Prompt: Design a user profile and be mindful of the most important data, names, imagery, placement, etc. Is it for a serious profile? A social profile? (It's up to you!)

Output Link: User Profile from Reading Books Website

Output Image: Day 6 - User Profile

Day 7: Settings

Prompt: Design settings for something. Is it for security or privacy settings? Game settings? Light mode vs. dark mode? System settings (sound, notifications, screen time, Wi-Fi, etc.?

Output Link: User Settings for a Website

Output Image: Day 7 - Settings

Day 8: 404 Page Design

Prompt: Does it suit the brand's style? Is it user-friendly? It might sound mundane, but not everything can be flashy or glamorous. Every day millions of people will be landing on 404 pages. You have an opportunity to help them in a way that's useful and aesthetically pleasing. (It's up to you!)

Output Link: 404 Page Web Design

Output Image: Day 8 - 404 Page Design

Day 9: Music Player

Prompt: Design a music player. It could be browser based or an app (i.e. Pandora, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.) or in a standalone product like in a car dashboard, jukebox, etc.

Consider the controls, placements, imagery such as the artist or album cover, etc. Also, consider the device type that's playing the music. A dashboard in a tour bus, a smartwatch, or via a web browser. Each device type will have different requirements, features, and restrictions to consider.

Output Link: Browser based Music Player design

Output Image: Day 9 - Music Player

Day 10: Social Share

Prompt: Design a social share button/icon and be mindful of the size, imagery, placement, and purpose for sharing. It could be to share an article snippet, or a simple link with a photo.

Output Link: Blog Post Social Share

Output Image: Day 10 - Social Share

Day 11: Flash Message

Prompt: Design a Flash Message with both the error message and success message. Is it for a sign up form? A download/upload message? Is it to promote a membership plan?

Output Link: Flash Message for Community Registration

Output Image: Day 11 - Flash Message

Day 12: E-commerce Shop

Prompt: Design an e-commerce shop. Is it simple for a local business or a large online retailer? Is it for clothing, shoes, handmade soap, or something else?

Consider the brand, the products offered, product views, product options, desired actions (conversions, product views, pricing options, etc.) and of course, the users!

Output Link: E-Commerce Shop Product Page

Output Image: Day 12- E-Commerce Shop

Day 13: Direct Message

Prompt: Design a Direct Messaging app, profile, or chat box. Consider the parties involved in the messages, images, placement, and context of the messages. Are the messages for social purposes? Customer support?

Output Link: Direct Message

Output Image: Day 13 - Direct Message

Day 14: Countdown Timer

Prompt: Is it for an app? An interface for an oven or cooking device? A sport related countdown such as on a scoreboard? Or is it a launch countdown for NASA, race cars, or something else?

Output Link: Pomodoro Timer

Output Image: Day 14 - Countdown Timer

Day 15: On/Off Switch

Prompt: Consider what's being turned on/off and how it should be done. Is it a push-to-start electric vehicle? A control panel for a smart refrigerator or some other touch-panel display?

Output Link: On/Off Switch Prototype

Output Image: Day 15 - OnOff Switch

Day 16: Pop-up Overlay

Prompt: Is it for a newsletter sign-up form ? Is it an ad overlay? A gated subscription page such as for premium news or member-only access?

Output Link: Newsletter Pop Up

Output Image: Day 16 - Pop-up Overlay

Day 17: Purchase Receipt

Prompt: What was purchased? On what date? How much was the item? And from what source and vendor? Consider other elements such as a customer support info, a tracking number or receipt number, business location/phone number/website, pictures if needed, and any other related elements.

Tip: The bottoms and tops of receipts are usually really underutilized. They can be great places to inform customers about upcoming promotions, news, ask for feedback, or promote your social media with a QR code.

Output Link: Purchase Receipt for Children's Toy Business Website

Output Image: Day 17 - Purchase Receipt

Day 18: Analytics Chart

Prompt: Is it to be used for web or app usage, a health monitor, e-commerce or traffic analytics? Is it tracking sports or stock market performance?

Output Link: Analytics Chart for Website Traffic Overview

Output Image: Day 18 - Analytics Chart

Day 19: Leaderboard

Prompt: Is it for gaming, sports, racing, politics, top sellers, the highest grossing movies, or something else?

Consider the important statistics to show, percentages, points, avatar pictures or logos, and the most critical elements. (Don't overwhelm the users with too much information).

Output Link: Gaming Leaderboard

Output Image: Day 19 - Leaderboard

Day 20: Location Tracker

Prompt: Consider the icon, placement, and purpose of the location. Are you mapping something? Is it a tracking beacon to find a friend or a tracking device such as a phone? Is the NSA or FBI tracking you? ;)

Output Link: Mobile App Location Tracker

Output Image: Day 20 - Location Tracker

Day 21: Home Monitoring Dashboard

Prompt: Design a home monitoring dashboard. Be creative! What would make a dashboard visually appealing and fun to use, while also being mindful of its function?

Try to make it a realistic exercise as if it were your own dashboard... one that you need to refer to daily. What is the most relevant data and what's the most appropriate placement for it?

Output Link: Home Monitoring Dashboard Page

Output Image: Day 21 - Home Monitoring Dashboard

Day 23: Onboarding

Prompt: Are you recruiting people for an organization? Are people signing up for a new service or website? Is it welcoming people into a mobile app?

Onboarding might seem trivial, but it's the first experience your users have with your product or service. It's like the first page of a book and it can instantly excite them. If not implemented well, a bad onboarding experience could turn someone off of a brand completely.

Output Link: Onboarding for TaskMaster

Output Image: Day 23 - Onboarding

Day 24: Boarding Pass

Prompt: Consider the origin, the destination, gates, seats, the airline, etc. Is it for a multi-stop trip, round-trip, or one-way journey?

Boarding passes are sometimes used to promote additional information such as credit card offers, frequent flyer programs, or partner deals with local hotels and resorts.

Output Link: Airlines Boarding Pass

Output Image: Day 24 - Boarding Pass

Day 25: TV App

Prompt: What type of app is it? What are the features/controls such as volume, favorites, closed captions, or other languages? Does it have a carousel selection feature?

Would it be important to have a “Continue Watching” area? Or other recommendations such as most viewed, recently added, etc.?

Output Link: TV App

Output Image: Day 25 - TV App

Day 26: Subscribe

Prompt: What is a person subscribing to? A streaming service, a video course, or a consultation service? Is it just a button or a widget?

What type of information are you looking to capture from the user? Their name and email? Their country, state, or postal code? Age consent? Something else?

Output Link: Newsletter Subscription

Output Image: Day 26 - Subscribe

Day 27: Dropdown

Prompt: Is it a menu dropdown? Or a tip that's dropped down during a tutorial? Or inside of a software tool to show more features?

What extra information is displayed? The current price of gold? A login/logout button? Menu selections?

Output Link: Website Navigation Menu Dropdown

Output Image: Day 27 - Dropdown

Day 28: Contact Page

Prompt: Is it for customer support? A purchase inquiry? To schedule an appointment? Is it a full page or just a form? Imagine a scenario and the most important feature it would require.

Contact pages are some of the most visited pages on websites so it's important to have the most critical information, but not so much that people get lost.

Output Link: Vivid Visions Website Contact page

Output Image: Day 28 - Contact Page

Day 29: Map Design

Prompt: Not one of those old school paper ones though. Actually, that might be kinda neat. ;)

What type of information should it have? Should its color scheme compliment the brand? Is it for food delivery? Or an interactive map of train stations?

Output Link: Map Design UI

Output Image: Day 29 - Map Design

Day 30: Pricing

Prompt: Is it a pricing table for a SaaS website? An in-app purchase? Or upgrade options for a restaurant menu?

Displaying prices in an easy-to-read format is a good design and business practice. Make the price obvious and don't try to hide anything. Overly complex pricing tables or designs create confusion and consequently a lack of trust… bad for both business and design.

Output Link: Pricing Cards

Output Image: Day 30 - Pricing

Day 31: File Upload

Prompt: Is it the loading screen and an icon? A progress element? Are folders being uploaded by flying across the screen like Ghostbusters? ;)

Would a user need to input additional information such as tax data or attach an image (like an identification card) during the process?

Output Link: File Upload Page

Output Image: Day 31 - File Upload

Day 32: Crowdfunding

Prompt: Keep in mind the purpose... raising funds. It's important to make a design simple and compelling if you're seeking money. Is it for startups to raise money from investors? (Such as on WeFunder, Republic, StartEngine)

Or raising funds for a community cause like funding the restoration of a historical monument?

So what's really important? The number of contributors, the total amount raised, campaign details, and highlights? Also consider size, imagery, placement, slogans, etc.

Output Link: Crowdfunding Page

Output Image: Day 32 - Crowdfunding

Day 33: Customize Product

Prompt: Design something related to customizing a product. It could be a custom t-shirt, stickers, shoes, etc. Or is this someone customizing their phone's text and lock screen?

What elements does a custom product need? A logo, an image, extra text, or something else?

Output Link: Customized Product Page

Output Image: Day 33 - Customize Product

Day 34: Automotive Interface

Prompt: Consider the elements you'd want and need in your own vehicle's dashboard. If you don't have a car, think of what's needed to control one in a video game, a VR headset, or in a movie. Be creative, yet logical.

Output Link: Automotive Interface UI

Output Image: Day 34 - Automotive Interface

Day 35: Blog Post

Prompt: Consider what's important- the content of course. Also consider the author, date, category, comments, layout, etc.

Are you viewing it as the author (with extra features for editing content) or a reader?

Output Link: Website Blog Post

Output Image: Day 35 - Blog Post

Day 36: Special Offer

Prompt: Design a promo. What is the product and how is it being promoted? Is it an email promotion, a clearance item on a website, a “Buy One, Get One” offer, or something else?

Is it the discount size or percentage that's important? Does it look compelling?

Output Link: Special Promo Sale Modal

Output Image: Day 36 - Special Offer

Day 37: Weather Design

Prompt: It could be a UI for a mobile app, a web app, or something completely different such as a weather alert widget. Consider its elements: city, temperature, forecasts, colors, weather icons/graphics, etc.

Is it being viewed on a smart watch or phone? Is it a weather warning for a storm or is it something unique such as something for a farm?

Output Link: Weather Report Webpage

Output Image: Day 37 - Weather Design

Day 38: Calendar

Prompt: Design a Calendar focused element. Is it for scheduling an appointment? A reservation, flight, hotel, or a health check? Is it a calendar reminder feature? Is it used in email or for something else entirely?

It could even be a calendar booking page for design services. Or an interactive online holiday calendar.

Output Link: Calendar with Task List

Output Image: Day 38 - Calendar

Day 39: Testimonial

Prompt: Create a design with some kind of testimonial. It could be a book or product review testimonial. Who is the customer? What did they buy and why did they enjoy it? Is there a star rating or a 1-10 style review?

Testimonials help build trust with an audience so these can be especially important elements for a website.

Output Link: Testimonials Section

Output Image: Day 39 - Testimonial

Day 40: Recipe or Food Order

Prompt: Design a food related recipe. It could displayed on a tablet while someone is cooking in their home kitchen or in the back of a restaurant on a Kitchen Display System (aka KDS).

Clarity is important because a restaurant or online food ordering service needs to be simple in order to be fast for customers to find what they want and how it can be customized. Confusing menus or recipes slow down the kitchen and the entire business.

Output Link: Food Recide Page

Output Image: Day 40 - Testimonial

Day 41: Workout / Exercise

Prompt: Create a UI related for monitoring health or tracking various workout/training routines. It could be for a personal workout, for a team, or even gym equipment tracking customer workouts.

Making a health app that is fun to use makes the entire experience more enjoyable and therefore more likely to be repeated.

Tip: exercise regularly to get blood and oxygen flowing for health, better sleep, and to boost your creative mood. It's easier to be happy if you're healthy. :)

Output Link: Workout/Exercise App

Output Image: Day 41 - Workout  Exercise

Day 42: To-Do List or Manager

Prompt: Everyone has priorities. Working in technology is a never-ending flow of new projects, requests, revisions, and more.

What productivity software or tool would you use to improve your workflow?

Output Link: Todo List Project

Output Image: Day 42 - To-Do List or Manager Demo GIF

Day 43: Food Menu Items

Prompt: Create a food menu for a bar or restaurant. It could be a simple coffee shop or a more complex menu such as for a pizza restaurant (with multiple sizes, toppings, variations, etc.).

Or is it for a touchscreen tabletop ordering system at a nightclub? You can be creative here.

Output Link: Blossom Bistro Menu

Output Image: Day 43 - Food Menu Items

Day 44: Favorites

Prompt: Bookstores, video games, podcasts, and streaming services all have a favorites section.

Are you favoriting certain items? Or are you favoriting something on a website such as Facebook, Behance, Github, etc.?

Output Link: Song Favorites List Webpage

Output Image: Day 44 - Favorites

Day 45: Info Card

Prompt: These are designed to be snippets of information - so not too much, just the basics.

What's being viewed? Is it a small information area about a home for sale? (square footage, # of bathrooms and bedrooms, year built)

Or a gamer's profile page with some recent statistics?

Output Link: Event Info Card

Output Image: Day 45 - Info Card

Day 46: Invoice

Prompt: Invoices are generally sent for products or services before or after fulfillment. For example, a web designer or software engineer might send an invoice for a new website with 25% as a downpayment and the remainder on completion.

This is not a quote or proposal, so it should have only the required information for payment, services rendered, prices, etc. and ideally a link/button to receive payment.

Tip: An invoice is a nice opportunity to thank a client. Uplifting comments can put clients in a good mood. If you know them in a personal/friendly context, sometimes a meme can help break the ice on making a payment. :)

Output Link: EcoCraft Creations Invoice

Output Image: Day 46 - Invoice

Day 47: Activity Feed

Prompt: Everyday we're overwhelmed with information.

Design an activity feed that's fun and useful. It could be for a news reader app, a social media site, or for inspirational travel content updates.

Output Link: Activity Feed/Notifications

Output Image: Day 47 - Activity Feed

Day 48: Coming Soon

Prompt: What's coming soon? A new video game? A new blockbuster film? When and where is it being released?

Or is this for a specific company or product announcement? Some brands are famous for their teaser and coming soon pages. It's an opportunity to excite and/or educate your users.

Output Link: Coming Soon Page

Output Image: Day 48 - Coming Soon

Day 49: Notification

Prompt: Today's challenge is super simple.

Just a plain and easy notification. It could be a daily reminder to take medication, a new message received notification, or app updates.

Output Link: Mobile Notifications

Output Image: Day 49 - Notification

Day 50: Job Listing or Hiring Page

Prompt: Who is hiring? What's the position? Where is it located? Are there benefits?

Hiring pages are a great opportunity for brands to give fun facts about their team. That can help prospective employees learn something interesting that could inspire them. For example, a team page might say “We take an annual team vacation to Hawaii.”

Output Link: Job Listing Directory Website

Output Image: Day 50 - Job Listing or Hiring Page

Day 51: Press Page

Prompt: Create a Press Page design. Think about who you are representing and what important information you should convey. Is it for a new startup? A huge global brand? A nonprofit organization? Or a small local business? Or is it actually for a person such as a celebrity, athlete, politician, etc.?

Output Link: Press and Media Page

Output Image: Day 52 - Press Page

Day 52: Logo Design

Prompt: Will it be animated? In what capacity will it be used? Branding is generally a serious matter for most companies and the considerations for size, placement, color, etc. should be thought out carefully.

The biggest brands don't always have the best logos. A great logo is one that compliments a specific purpose and not necessarily a generic image or name. For example, Nike uses a swoosh which shows motion and speed - core parts of their running image. Mailchimp showcases a monkey rather than an “email” icon and it adds depth and character to their brand.

Good luck 🤩

Output Link: PixelForge Logo

Output Image: Day 53 - Logo Design

Day 53: Website Navigation

Prompt: Most websites have a navbar that's stuffed with links and logos.

What could you design that's both functional and appealing? How could you make it unique?

Output Link: Creative Canvas Navigation

Output Image: Day 53 - Website Navigation

Day 54: Confirmation

Prompt: Design a Confirmation UI element. What's being confirmed? Is it confirming an address, order, shipping, plane tickets, hotel reservation, dinner reservation, booking tickets to the opera, or something else? Also consider where it's occurring (i.e. website, mobile app, email confirmation, etc.)

Output Link: Dinner Reservation Confirmation

Output Image: Day 54 - Confirmation

Day 55: Icon Set

Prompt: Create some icons to be used together. It could be for a taskbar, showcasing features or services, or even for something like a shopping app. (Icons might be a cart, a shipping box, a size icon, etc.)

Output Link: Icon Set

Output Image: Day 55 - Icon Set

Day 56: Breadcrumbs

Prompt: Every interaction on a website or within an app is an opportunity.

Although a seemingly small detail, breadcrumbs are very necessary and yet often neglected in terms of their appearance and functionality. To truly achieve great design sense you need to consider even the smallest details.

Output Link: Breadcrumbs

Output Image: Day 56 - Breadcrumbs

Day 57: Video Player

Prompt: Design a video play with all the functions needed: volume, skip, fast forward, etc. Depending on the device you'll want to consider different needs such as inputs for a TV (HDMI 1, etc.) or hover effects for a remote cursor.

Output Link: Video Player

Output Image: Day 57 - Video Player

Day 58: Shopping Cart

Prompt: Some brands use a cart or bag during their checkout process. Consider the products, prices, and placement of any other required data. Do people need to create an account? Checkout as a guest? Is there shipping?

Output Link: Shopping Cart - Mobile Version

Output Image: Day 58 - Shopping Cart

Day 59: Background Pattern

Prompt: Whether an e-commerce site, a blogs, or a landing page, backgrounds are often unnoticed. How can you design a useful and beautiful one?

Video background? Moving patterns or textures? You decide.

Output Link: Background Pattern

Output Image: Day 59 - Background Pattern

Day 60: Color Picker

Prompt: What is the user doing? Designing a website? Selecting a t-shirt color?

Colors are an important part of product design and making it simple to select great color schemes is crucial.

Output Link: Color Palette Generator

Output Image: Day 60 - Color Picker

Day 61: Redeem Coupon

Prompt: Imagine that it's time for someone to redeem a coupon.

It could be via an in person self-checkout screen or on a website. Think about the requirements of a coupon such as the discount percentage, the subtotal, total, and other unique features.

Always make it easy. The last thing people want to encounter is a complex interface that adds friction to the redemption process.

Output Link: Discount Redeem Coupon

Output Image: Day 61 - Redeem Coupon

Day 62: Workout of the day

Prompt: (No prompt found - Received wrong daily prompt from email)

Output Link: Discount Redeem Coupon

Output Image: Day 62 - Workout of the Day GIF

Day 63: Best of

Prompt: “Best of” lists can be used for featured news articles, “best of …” city magazines, top selling products, best selling books, etc.

What's best, why, and how will you display it?

Output Link: Best Photos Page

Output Image: Day 63 - Best Of

Day 64: User Selection

Prompt: Create a modal, page, toggle, or some other element to represent the selection of a user profile. It could be inside a video app, managing multiple social media accounts, a video game, or something totally unique.

Output Link: Select Avatar Selection

Output Image: Day 64 - User Selection

Day 65: Notes Widget

Prompt: We all need to record a note at some point. Whether it's a full page document, a small shopping list, or a note inside of an app

Create a widget to incorporate a notes feature.

Output Link: Notes Widget

Output Image: Day 65 - Notes Widget

Day 66: Statistics

Prompt: Applications used for finance, engineering, sports, and even video games have tons of statistics.

Design something to show off the top statistics.

Output Link: Hero Statistics

Output Image: Day 66 - Statistics

Day 67: Hotel or Vacation Rental Booking

Prompt: Create a website, listing page, or booking reservation UI for a vacation property.

Consider extra elements: non-smoking rooms, security deposits, amenities, etc.

Output Link: Coastal Getaways Hotel Booking Page

Output Image: Day 67 - Hotel or Vacation Rental Booking

Day 68: Flight Search

Prompt: Design an app or website for either searching for flights or comparing options.

Consider the variables: one-way, roundtrip, or multi-stop flight? Baggage fees? Making a lot of data look simple isn't easy, but it's what your users will appreciate. Millions of people travel everyday so every little detail makes a difference.

Consider extra elements: non-smoking rooms, security deposits, amenities, etc.

Output Link: FlySmart Search Flights

Output Image: Day 68 - Flight Search

Day 69: Trending

Prompt: Create a trending list or feature. What's trending? Music, movies, stock prices, or something else?

Think about if it'll be the main focus or a minimal element such as a scrolling banner or notification widget.

Output Link: Album Trends Page

Output Image: Day 69 - Trending GIF

Day 70: Event Listing

Prompt: Design a feature or display for upcoming events. Concerts, workshops, summer camps, seminars, or other training events. Get creative with the purpose and style.

Output Link: Mobile Events Listing

Output Image: Day 70 - Event Listing GIF

Day 71: Scheduling

Prompt: Design elements or a full experience for a schedule. It could be for a hospital to schedule patients, a bank to schedule payments, a band's concert schedule or anything.

Output Link: Scheduling / Calendar

Output Image: Day 71 - Scheduling

Day 72: Slider

Prompt: Create a slider design. It could be to swipe between photos in a property listing app, dating profiles, display album artwork, or a traditional slider for volume or settings.

Output Link: Photography Website Hero Image Slider

Output Image: Day 72 - Slider GIF

Day 73: Virtual Reality

Prompt: A headset, a screen, or the virtual controls required. Small screen real estate requires more hand gestures so be intuitive.

Output Link: Virtual Reality

Output Image: Day 73 - Virtual Reality

Day 74: App Download

Prompt: Create a download page, modal, form, or screen related to downloading something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, or anything you can image requiring a download.

Output Link: TaskMaster Download Page Hero Section

Output Image: Day 74 - App Download

Day 75: Pre-Order

Prompt: Design a page or element to encourage pre-orders for something. It could be an upcoming book, movie, website template, etc.

Output Link: VRInfinity Headset Pre-Order Page

Output Image: Day 75 - Pre-Order

Day 76: Loading

Prompt: What's loading? It could be a website, a movie buffering, or a super fun animation for a video game loading.

Output Link: Loading

Output Image: chrome-capture

Day 77: Thank You (Page or Message)

Prompt: Thank users for downloading your app or a free eBook. Your design can be simple or funny with a GIF. :)

Output Link: Thank You Page

Output Image: Day 77 - Thank You (Page or Message)

Day 78: Invitation

Prompt: Invite a person or team to something. It could be a wedding, a product launch party, or to join a new website.

Output Link: Pending Request

Output Image: Day 78 - Invitation

Day 79: Itinerary

Prompt: A packing list for Disneyland or summer camp, a course outline to learn coding, or anything.

What's the purpose and what do the students or attendees need?

Output Link: Course Outline

Output Image: Day 79 - Invitation

Day 80: Date Picker

Prompt: Create a date picker for anything. You could make it look simple or give it a wild theme.

Output Link: Date Picker

Output Image: Day 80 - Date Picker

Day 81: Status Update

Prompt: Design a status update. It could be for a notification bar, a progress indicator for a download that's complete, or something else.

Output Link: Dowmload Queue Widget

Output Image: Day 81 - Status Update

Day 82: Form

Prompt: Forms are a vital component for websites. People sign up to attend courses, to register for courses, complete surveys, and so much more.

Making the forms beautiful will help encourage people to complete them. Don't overload them with too much information at once, but let them progress in small stages.

Output Link: Mobile Order Process Forms

Output Image: Day 82 - Form GIF

Day 83: Button

Prompt: Buttons are so simple, yet can be so fun to create.

Gradients, hover interactions, pulsing elements, sparkles, etc. There's an entire world of unique buttons to explore.

Output Link: Button

Output Image: Day 83 - Button

Day 84: Badge

Prompt: Badges can be assigned to users to the number of years they've been on a platform, accomplishments they've made, etc.

They can be fun and information.

Output Link: Achievement Badges

Output Image: Day 84 - Badge

Day 85: Pagination

Prompt: Dealing with lots of information isn't easy. When there are hundreds of pages or components, things can get messy if there's no clear hierarchy.

Design a pagination look and flow to make it simple.

Output Link: Pagination

Output Image: Day 85 - Pagination

Day 86: Progress

Prompt: What's making progress and how does it work?

It could be a progress bar showing time remaining in a movie or it could calculate the progress made reading a book. Anything you want.

Output Link: Progress

Output Image: Day 86 - Progress GIF

Day 87: Avatar

Prompt: Design an avatar. It could be for company logos or photos of an app's users. Take into consideration the corner rounding, size, placement, etc.

Output Link: Avatar

Output Image: Day 87 - Avatar

Day 88: Tooltip

Prompt: (No prompt found - Received wrong daily prompt from email)

Output Link: Tooltip

Output Image: Day 88 - Tooltip

Day 89: Agree to Terms

Prompt: Almost every app or website has legal terms. Signing up for a new product will generally require that users agree to the Terms of Service.

It's not glamorous, but it's important. :)

Output Link: Agree to Terms

Output Image: Day 89 - Agree to Terms

Day 90: Create New

Prompt: Create a design for a user to create something. Maybe it's a new document, a new design file, or a component such as creating a new column in a spreadsheet.

Output Link: Create New Book Review Entry

Output Image: Day 90 - Create New

Day 91: Curated for You

Prompt: Design something that's been personalized such as a newsfeed, timeline, user profile, etc.

It could even be book, travel, or product recommendations based on your purchases or browsing history.

Output Link: Curated For You

Output Image: Day 91 - Curated for You

Day 92: Frequently Asked Questions

Prompt: Create some designs for an FAQ widget, section, or full page.

Everyone has questions about products and brands that make answers easy to find are amazing. Happy customers, happy business.

Output Link: Frequently Asked Questions

Output Image: Day 92 - Frequently Asked Questions

Day 93: Splash Screen

Prompt: Splash screens tend to occur right after someone opens an app.

It's easy to overlook, but making a great first impression with your users is essential to building trust.

Output Link: GearWorks Splash Screen

Output Image: Day 93 - Splash Screen GIF

Day 94: News

Prompt: News is occurring all around the world at all times. There's an ocean of content constantly being created.

Design a nice interface for reading the news.

Output Link: GlobalChronicle News

Output Image: Day 94 - News

Day 95: Product Tour

Prompt: What product is being showcased? Is it a physical product like a shoe or piece of art? Or is it a digital product?

Whatever it is, it's up to you. Consider the most important features and use cases for the product.

Output Link: TaskPro Product Tour

Output Image: Day 95 - Product Tour GIF

Day 96: Currently In Stock

Prompt: Design a display, sequence or something related to items that are in stock (available). It could be food services, products, or inventory of another type.

Output Link: Currently In Stock

Output Image: Day 96 - Product Tour

Day 97: Giveaway

Prompt: Product giveaways are fun for brands and for customers.

Imagine a product you'd like to have and how you'd display it to incentivize customers to join.

Output Link: Luxury Watch Giveaway

Output Image: Day 97 - Giveaway

Day 98: Advertisement

Prompt: Not everyone likes seeing ads, but they're crucial for some products. Funny ads or inspiring ones tend to be remembered.

Think of the products being offered and their intended audience.

Output Link: ABC Coffee Advertisement

Output Image: Day 98 - Advertisement

Day 99: Categories

Prompt: Design a way to display different things such as people, photos, plants, products, etc. into different categories.

Output Link: Resources Categories

Output Image: Day 99 - Categories

Day 100: Redesign Daily UI

Prompt: What would you change about the homepage? Or the design prompts?

You could also redesign anything you'd like. :)

You've made it to day 100, but what's next? 😏

Output Link: Daily UI Redesign

Output Image: Day 100 - Redesign Daily UI



Collection of my Daily UI challenge outputs.