DianaNerualNetwork / Paddle_FCFRNet

depth completion

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【PPDepth】 FCFRNet(AAAI2021)

A paddle implementation of the paper FCFRNet: Fusion based Coarse-to-Fine Residual Learning for Monocular Depth Completion [AAAI2021]


Depth completion aims to recover a dense depth map from a sparse depth map with the corresponding color image as input. Recent approaches mainly formulate the depth completion as a one-stage end-to-end learning task, which outputs dense depth maps directly. However, the feature extraction and supervision in one-stage frameworks are insufficient,limiting the performance of these approaches. To address this problem, we propose a novel end-to-end residual learning framework, which formulates the depth completion as a twostage learning task, i.e., a sparse-to-coarse stage and a coarseto-fine stage. First, a coarse dense depth map is obtained by a simple CNN framework. Then, a refined depth map is further obtained using a residual learning strategy in the coarse-tofine stage with coarse depth map and color image as input. Specially, in the coarse-to-fine stage, a channel shuffle extraction operation is utilized to extract more representative features from color image and coarse depth map, and an energy based fusion operation is exploited to effectively fuse these features obtained by channel shuffle operation, thus leading to more accurate and refined depth maps. We achieve SoTA performance in RMSE on KITTI benchmark. Extensive experiments on other datasets future demonstrate the superiority of our approach over current state-of-the-art depth completion approaches.

Data prepare

This project use the preprocessed KITTI dataset. KITTI DC dataset is available at the KITTI DC Website.

For color images, KITTI Raw dataset is also needed, which is available at the KITTI Raw Website.

Please follow the official instructions (cf., devkit/readme.txt in each dataset) for preparation.

In this project,we provide a second stage framework to do depth completion. Thus,you need do sparse to coarse in a common network,and use it in this project. You can download in this

├── depth_selection
│    ├── test_depth_completion_anonymous
│    │    ├── image
│    │    ├── intrinsics
│    │    └── velodyne_raw
│    ├── test_depth_prediction_anonymous
│    │    ├── image
│    │    └── intrinsics
│    └── val_selection_cropped
│        ├── groundtruth_depth
|        |── data_depth_dense_new  #### Need to attention!
│        ├── image
│        ├── intrinsics
│        └── velodyne_raw
├── train
│    ├── 2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync
│    │    ├── image_02
│    │    │     └── data
│    │    ├── image_03
│    │    │     └── data
│    │    ├── oxts
│    │    │     └── data
│    │    └── proj_depth
│    │        ├── groundtruth
│    │        └── velodyne_raw
│    └── ...
└── val
    ├── 2011_09_26_drive_0002_sync
    └── ...

before u use this code, you need to change this path on your computer. please read here


$ python FCFRNet_Paddle/main.py --train-mode dense -b 1 --input rgbd


$python main.py --evaluate bestmodel.pdparams --val select --input rgbd

We Use Torch2Paddle to get .pdparams weight to valuate in kitti.

Kitti(Fast Unpool, pos affinity) Paddle 784.224 222.639 2.370 784.224 784.224 1.014

The following is valuate result


depth completion


Language:Python 100.0%