Di40 / NLP-Assignments

Programming assignments for "Natural Language Processing" course at UniPd

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Natural Language Processing - Assignments

  • Part 1: Using pretrained word embeddings with gensim
    • Download already pretrained embeddings
    • Nearest neighbour similarity search
    • Word embedding visualization via PCA
    • Intrisic evaluation with word analogy and word similarity benchmarks
  • Part 2: Pretraining our own embeddings
    • Training choices
    • Saving and loading our embeddings
  • Part 3: Extrinsic evaluation of word embeddings
    • Using word2vec embeddings for spam classification

Transition-based dependency parsing is one of the most popular methods for implementing a dependency parsers. We used the arc-standard model, and augmented the parser with neural machinery for contextual word embeddings and for choosing the most appropriate parser actions.


Implemented the following features:

  • LSTM representation for stack tokens
  • MLP for next transition classification, based on two top-most stack tokens and first token in the buffer
  • training under static oracle

Covered parts of chapter 1-3 of the HuggingFace Course.

We used the MRPC (Microsoft Research Paraphrasing Corpus) dataset that is part of the GLUE (General Language Understanding Evaluation) benchmark.

Task: given two sentences, assign positive class (1) if the two sentences are paraphrases of one another (assign 0 otherwise). To do this, we fine-tuned BERT on the MRPC dataset.

In this notebook, we explored how to train and test a transformer-based model for automatic summarization using the powerful Hugging Face libraries.

Text summarization is a challenging task in the field of Natural Language Processing, aiming to condense lengthy pieces of text into shorter summaries while preserving the most important information. It finds numerous applications in areas such as news summarization, document summarization, and information retrieval.

We used the T5 model which is an encoder-decoder model pre-trained on a multi-task mixture of unsupervised and supervised tasks and for which each task is converted into a text-to-text format. In particular summarization was also included in the pre-training.

For this notebook we used the samsum dataset. It contains 16k messenger-like conversations with annotated summaries.

As evaluation metric we used ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation). It measures the overlap between the generated summary and one or more reference summaries. The key idea behind ROUGE is to capture the recall of important information in the generated summary by comparing it with the reference summaries. Here is a link with a brief explanation.

Jack: Cocktails later?
May: YES!!!
May: You read my mind...
Jack: Possibly a little tightly strung today?
May: Sigh... without question.
Jack: Thought so.
May: A little drink will help!
Jack: Maybe two!

Gold summary:
Jack and May will drink cocktails later.

Generated summary:
Jack and May will have a drink together.


Programming assignments for "Natural Language Processing" course at UniPd


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%