DhruvAerosol / vue-tweet-embed

Embed tweets in your vue.js app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Embed tweets in your vue.js app inspired by https://github.com/capaj/react-tweet-embed


npm i vue-tweet-embed
jspm i npm:vue-tweet-embed


import Tweet from 'vue-tweet-embed'

<Tweet :id="'692527862369357824'"></Tweet>
<Tweet :id="'14'"></Tweet>	// test tweet not available or deleted

You don't have to put //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js script in your index.html as this lib will put it there if twttr is not found on window.

Using Options

<Tweet :id="'783943172057694208'" :options="{ cards: 'hidden' }"/>
<Tweet :id="'771763270273294336'" :options="{ theme: 'dark' }"/>

Embedded-Tweet Options Reference: https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-tweets/parameters

Showing a placeholder while the tweet is being loaded

To show some content to the user while the tweet is being loaded, just put it inside the Tweet component. Placeholder content will be removed automatically once the tweet has finished loading.

<Tweet :id="'783943172057694208'"/><div class="spinner"></div></Tweet>

Show some css effect to deleted tweet message - "We could not access this Tweet."

Define "msgClass" css class with your css in your page.

.msgClass {
	// styles goes here


Embed tweets in your vue.js app


Language:JavaScript 100.0%