DhirajGadekar / Data_Structure_with_C

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All Class Code And Assignments A brief description of fundamentals of data Structure with C, including syntax, Linked List, stack, Queue, Sorting, Searching, Tree,Graph, Time Complexity.



Class Codes :

 1. Introduction
 2. Linked List
 3. Stack
 4. Queue
 5. Recusion
 6. Searching
 7. Sorting

Assignments :

 1. Practical 1
 2. Practical 2
 3. Practical 3
 4. Linked List
 5. Binary Search

Extra Codes :

 1. Recursion

Contributor :

Dhiraj Gadekar
Dhiraj Gadekar

Tools :

1.Vim Text Editor

2.C Compiler

3.Vs Code


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at dhirajgadekar.work@gmail.com