DheerajAgarwal / rgdax

Wrapper for Coinbase pro (erstwhile GDAX) Cryptocurrency exchange

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

rgdax 1.2.3

Build Status CRAN_Status_Badge


The version less than 1.1.0 are now broken and unsupported. Coinbase had support for the old GDAX API's only till the end of 2018. Version 1.1 and above WILL break the previous implementations and hence, it is recommended that all users should test this extensively with their existing applications (bulit pre-March 2021) and make changes as necessary.

This package is inspired by official and unofficial wrappers for Coinbase Pro API. Please read through the api docs to gain a better understanding of how each end point is likely to work.

There are two main groups of api end points.

Public: All functions belonging to this group start with public_ and can be used without any authentication.

Auth: This category of functions will require API Key, API Secret and Passphrase to connect successfully to the account. To get your api keys, refer to how to create Coinbase Pro api keys. The behavior of the functions will also depend upon what kind of access (view, transfer or trade) the api keys have.

What is New in this version


Supported Functions

Complete List of Supported Public Functions with Coinbase Pro end point mapping:

# function public mapping
01 candles historic rates
02 daystats 24hr stats
03 info currencies & products
04 orderbook product orderbook
05 ticker product ticker
06 time time
07 trades trades

Complete List of Supported Auth Functions with Coinbase Pro end point mapping:


# function auth mapping
08 accounts list accounts
09 account an account
10 account_hist account history
11 holds holds


# function auth mapping
12 add_order place a new order
13 cancel_order cancel an order & cancel all
14 list_orders list order
XX PENDING get an order


# function auth mapping
15 fills list fills
16 pymt_methods list payment methods

Apart from these two categories, the library also contains a few internal functions which are used across the public and the auth functions:

  1. parse_response
  2. auth

Currently Unsupported Functions - AUTH

# function auth mapping
XX pending exchange limits
XX pending list deposits
XX pending single deposit
XX pending deposut to payment method
XX pending deposit from coinbase
XX pending generate deposit address
XX pending list withdrawl
XX pending single withdrawl
XX pending cancelled withdrawl
XX pending withdraw to payment method
XX pending withdraw to coinbase
XX pending withdraw to address
XX pending withdrawal fee
XX pending create conversion
XX pending list payment methods
XX pending list coinbase accounts
XX pending current fee
XX pending create a new report
XX pending report status
XX pending list profiles
XX pending get a profile
XX pending transfer funds across profiles

Currently Unsupported Functions - PUBLIC

# function mapping
XX pending get a single product

Apart from the above listed pending functions, the current version does not support the following capabilities:

  1. Pagination

How to install:



This is same as installing master branch from github.

From Github dev

install_github("DheerajAgarwal/rgdax", ref="dev")


rgdax CRAN

CRAN codebase

DEV codebase



DISCLAIMER Use at your own risk.


Wrapper for Coinbase pro (erstwhile GDAX) Cryptocurrency exchange



Language:R 100.0%