DevMittal04 / namaste-react-learning-ground

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Namaste React Live Course is live course by Akshay Saini (Founder of NamasteDev, teacher, ex-UBER and creator of Namaste Javascript Series on YouTube)

This repository consists of all the Learnings and Assignments done in this Course. There will be 2 commits for each class - 1st for the Code and 2nd for the Assignment.


What is Emmet?

Emmet is a toolkit which helps developers to write code snippets using some shortcuts allowing easier creation of boilterplate code in the applications.

Difference between Library and Framework?

Library and Framework are both a set of code which is written by someone else to ease up the coding process.

The major difference between the two is that with 'Library', the developer decides the flow of code and thus have more freedom while coding and in whatever flow we want whereas in case of a 'Framework', the framework is the in charge of the flow of code thus the developer has to flow a set of rules defined by the framework and has got less freedom while coding

What is CDN? Why do we use it?

CDN is 'Content Delivery Network'. It is a group of servers which may be distributed globally that allows us to utilize the some resources/assets/pieces of code directly by embedding a link inside our code. Majorly developer use it when they either want to utilize some components of code quickly or when they want to keep their own codebase lighter by just embedding the directly from the existing server instead of putting the resources on their own servers.

Why is React known as React?

React is known as 'React' because of its ability to react to changes in the data. Whenever any data is changed in a React component, React automatically renders that component and the changes are reflected at each and every instance where the data was used.

What is crossorigin in script tag?

The 'crossorigin' attribute in script tag allows us to provide support for CORS, i.e. defining how a CORS request is to be handled. CORS, which is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is a mechanism to indicate the origins(domain or port) from where it is safe to obtain different kinds of data or resources.

What is difference between React and ReactDOM

React is a Javascript Library which used to build User Interfaces and ReactDOM is a Javascript Library which gives React the ability to interact which the Browser DOM

What is difference between react.development.js and react.production.js files via CDN?

react.development.js is used when we want to use React on our local machine, inside the development environment where react.production.js is a minified/optimized version of React (because the debugger isn't present) which is used at the production environment

What is async and defer?

async and defer are boolean attributes that are used in script tag to load external scripts efficiently into our code. When a page is loaded 2 things happen: HTML Parsing and Loading of the Scripts.

In the normal scenario, while the browser is parsing the HTML line by line, if a script tag is encountered, the browser stops HTML parsing and fetches the script and runs it immediately. After this, the browser agains goes back to HTML parsing.

When we use async attribute in script tag, in case the script tag in encountered, the browser asynchronously fetches the script, thus the HTML parsing and script fetching is happening simultaneously and as soon as the whole script is fetched, the browser stops HTML parsing and starts executing the script. Once the script is done executing, browser again goes back to parsing the HTML.

Now when we use defer attribute is script tag, in case the script tag in encountered, the browser asynchronously fetches the script, thus the HTML parsing and script fetching is happening simultaneously but the script is executed only when the browser is done with HTML parsing.

With async we can't be sure of the order in which the scripts maybe executed but with defer we can, so when we want to execute multiple scripts which are dependent on each other, we use defer. In scenarios where we want load some external script that is independent of our code(for example: Google Analytics), we use async attribute.



Language:JavaScript 95.7%Language:CSS 2.2%Language:HTML 2.1%