DevLaukey / assignment6

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gRPC Client Example

This project is a distributed system using gRPC for communication. It interacts with various services, including an Echo service, Joke service, Library service, Encryption/Decryption service, and Trivia service. The client communicates with these services using Protocol Buffers and gRPC. The system also features a registry that keeps track of available services.

Requirements Fulfilled

  • gRPC Communication: Implemented a gRPC client-server architecture. Utilized gRPC for efficient and reliable communication between different services.
  • Utilized Protocol Buffers for message serialization.
  • Service Registry: Implemented a service registry for service discovery. Implemented a service registry to dynamically register and discover available services.
  • Encryption Service: Created an encryption service featuring a Caesar cipher for both encryption and decryption.
  • Library Management Service: Developed a library management service allowing users to check out and return books.
  • Trivia Game Service: Implemented a trivia game service with random questions and answers.
  • Added the project to amazon s3 instance.

How to Run without Registry

Run Node:

gradle runNode

Run Client:

gradle Client

How to Run wit Registry

Run Registry Server:

gradle runRegistryServer -PgrpcPort=<grpcPort>

Run Node (Service):

gradle runRegistryServer -PgrpcPort=<grpcPort>

Run Client:

gradle runClient -PserviceHost=<serviceHost> -PservicePort=<servicePort> -PregistryHost=<registryHost> -PgrpcPort=<grpcPort>  -PregOn=<regOn>

Run Client2:

gradle runClient2 -PserviceHost=<serviceHost> -PservicePort=<servicePort> -PregistryHost=<registryHost> -PgrpcPort=<grpcPort> -Pmessage=<message> -PregOn=true 

Working with the Encryption Service


To encrypt a string, you need to make a gRPC call to the encrypt method.

  • Request Message: EncryptRequest: Contains the string (input) to be encrypted. Response Message:

  • EncryptResponse: Indicates whether the operation was successful (isSuccess), provides the encrypted string (solution), and an error message (error) if applicable.


To decrypt a string, you need to make a gRPC call to the decrypt method.

  • Request Message: DecryptRequest: Contains the string (input) to be decrypted. Response Message:

  • DecryptResponse: Indicates whether the operation was successful (isSuccess), provides the decrypted string (solution), and an error message (error) if applicable.

Working with the Library Service

Checkout a Book

To check out a book, a client needs to make a gRPC call to the checkout method.

Request Message:

  • LibraryReq: Contains the client's name (name) and the book to be checked out (book).

Response Message:

  • LibraryRes: Indicates whether the checkout was successful (isSuccess), and an error message (error) if applicable.

Return a Book

To return a book, a client needs to make a gRPC call to the returnBook method.

Request Message:

LibraryReq: Contains the client's name (name) and the book to be returned (book).

Response Message:

LibraryRes: Indicates whether the return was successful (isSuccess), and an error message (error) if applicable.

View Available Books

To return a book, a client needs to make a gRPC call to the returnBook method.

Request Message:

google.protobuf.Empty: No additional information is required.

Response Message:

AvailableRes: Contains a list of available books (books).

Working with the Trivia Game Service

Get a Trivia Question

To get a random trivia question, a client needs to make a gRPC call to the getTriviaQuestion method.

Request Message:

  • TriviaRequest: Contains the category (category) of the trivia question.

Response Message:

  • TriviaResponse: Contains the trivia question (question) and a list of possible options (options).

Submit a Trivia Answer

To submit an answer to a trivia question, a client needs to make a gRPC call to the submitTriviaAnswer method.

Request Message:

TriviaAnswerRequest: Contains the submitted answer (answer).

Response Message:

TriviaAnswerResponse: Indicates whether the answer was correct (isCorrect), and provides an explanation (explanation).


Encryption Service

Encrypt Method:

Shifts characters using a Caesar cipher.

Decrypt Method:

Reverses the encryption process.

Library Management Service

Checkout Method:

Allows users to check out books from the library.

Return Method:

Enables users to return books to the library.

Available Method:

Lists available books in the library.

Trivia Game Service

Get Trivia Question:

Retrieves a random trivia question based on the specified category.

Submit Trivia Answer:

Allows users to submit an answer and provides feedback on correctness.


TASK 1 and 2 demo

TASK 3 demo



Language:Java 100.0%