DevExpress-Examples / asp-net-mvc-grid-open-popup-on-hyperlink-click

Open a pop-up dialog when a user clicks a hyperlink in the grid's column.

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GridView for ASP.NET MVC - How to Open a Popup Window on a Hyperlink Click

This example demonstrates how to open a pop-up dialog when a user clicks a hyperlink in the grid's column.

GridView for MVC - PopupHyperlink

Define master and detail GridView settings in separate PartialView files: MasterViewPartial.cshtml and DetailViewPartial.cshtml.

In the master grid, create a templated column and add a hyperlink to the template. In the hyperlink's Click event handler, send a callback to the detail grid.

// MasterViewPartial.cshtml
@Html.DevExpress().GridView(settings => {
    // ...
    settings.KeyFieldName = "CustomerID";
    settings.Columns.Add(col => {
        col.FieldName = "CustomerID";
        col.SetDataItemTemplateContent(container => {
            Html.DevExpress().HyperLink(hlSettings => {
                // ...
                hlSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.Click = string.Format("function(s, e) {{ OnHyperLinkClick('{0}'); }}", (container as GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer).KeyValue.ToString());
                hlSettings.Properties.Text = "Show Orders";
    // ...
var currentCustomerID;
function OnHyperLinkClick(customerID) {
    currentCustomerID = customerID;

Handle the client-side BeginCallback event of the detail grid. In the handler, declare the _customerID property and set it to the current customer ID value. The grid sends this value to the server to filter the detail grid data.

function OnDetailGridBeginCallback(s, e) {
    e.customArgs["_customerID"] = currentCustomerID;
// HomeController.cs
public PartialViewResult DetailPartialAction(string _customerID) {
    return PartialView("DetailViewPartial", OrderRepository.GetOrders(_customerID));

Handle the client-side EndCallback event of the detail grid to show the Popup control that contains the detail grid with filtered data.

function OnDetailGridEndCallback(s, e) {
    if (!popup.IsVisible()) 
// Index.cshtml
@Html.DevExpress().PopupControl(settings => {
    // ...
    settings.SetContent(() => {
        Html.RenderPartial("DetailViewPartial", null);

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Open a pop-up dialog when a user clicks a hyperlink in the grid's column.



Language:Visual Basic .NET 46.5%Language:C# 28.8%Language:HTML 20.6%Language:JavaScript 3.6%Language:ASP.NET 0.6%