DevAlvaroF / SUSHI

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SUSHI_banner This is the repository for the SUSHI (Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for hyperspectral images) algorithm.

The purpose of SUSHI is to perform non-stationary unmixing of hyperspectral images.

In this repositery, you will find:

  • SUSHI Test Notebook.ipynb: A jupiter tutorial notebook to try out SUSHI on an example similar to that in [Lascar, Bobin, Acero, 2023].
  • The SUSHI code itself, now able to take in a variable amount of components.
  • Code for the Interpolary Auto-Encoder (IAE), taken from:
  • Training an IAE.ipynb: A tutorial notebook to train an IAE spectral model.
  • data: repositery with the data sets needed for testing SUSHI.
  • IAE models: readily trained IAE spectral models for testing SUSHI.
  • older_version: Contains the Sushi algorithm in its previous architecture (where the number of components was hard-coded to 2; the current version takes any number of components) and the IAE code for older versions of JAX.

Tutorial: how to test SUSHI.

Package requirements

SUSHI was coded in python 3.10. To test SUSHI, you will need the packages listed in SUSHI_env.yml. To create and activate a conda environment with all the imports needed, do:

  • conda env create -f SUSHI_env.yml
  • conda activate SUSHI_env

Testing the sample example

Go to SUSHI Test Notebook.ipynb in the main directory. Normally, running the cells without further change should not present any issue.

Testing on one's own data

Training an IAE

To test SUSHI on one's own data, the first step will be to train IAE model(s) — one per physical component. The tutorial notebook will be in Training an IAE.ipynb. In that notebook, the training set is stored in the dictionary "Output". It should be constructed as such:

  • Provide a large number of spectra (1e3 at least) from your physical model.

  • Select the spectra that are at boundary parameters (e.g. highest and lowest temperature). These will be your anchor points: Output["Psi"].

  • Shuffle the rest of the training set. Separate it into a training (70%) and validation (30%) set. Output["X_train"] and Output["X_valid"].

  • These three sets (anchor points, training, and validation) should be numpy arrays of shape (N, $n_E$), where N is the number of spectra, and $n_E$ is the number of spectral channels.

  • Now, you're ready for training. Parameters regarding the architecture can be customized in the last cell:

    • cost_weight: whether the training set should be weighted. Pondering by the mean was shown to be useful in cases of very dynamic ranges. Put "None" to avoid using.
    • niters: The training is done in three epochs (improving the model each time by taking the previous training as first guess). niters is a list containing the number of iterations per epoch.
    • opts: List containing the optimizer index from the list Optims = ['adam', 'momentum', 'rmsprop', 'adagrad', 'Nesterov', 'SGD'], for each epoch.
    • steps: List containing the step size for each epoch.
    • fname: the name of the model.

    Once the training is complete (this may take a while), check that the cost successfully converged. [To be added: Testing of the IAE model] Repeat this process for each physical component present in your model.


From there, using the SUSHI testing notebook (SUSHI Test Notebook (with variable number of components).ipynb) should be fairly straightforward. In the cell that imports the models, replace the model_name by those of your trained IAE.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 94.6%Language:Python 5.4%