Dev-Hogan / wenchan

A simple and efficient problem logging app

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This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Type Support for .vue Imports in TS

TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue imports by default, so we replace the tsc CLI with vue-tsc for type checking. In editors, we need TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) to make the TypeScript language service aware of .vue types.

If the standalone TypeScript plugin doesn't feel fast enough to you, Volar has also implemented a Take Over Mode that is more performant. You can enable it by the following steps:

  1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension
    1. Run Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions from VSCode's command palette
    2. Find TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features, right click and select Disable (Workspace)
  2. Reload the VSCode window by running Developer: Reload Window from the command palette.

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

pnpm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

pnpm dev

Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production

pnpm build

Lint with ESLint

pnpm lint

Git commit

类别 描述
feat 新增一个功能
fix 修复一个Bug
docs 文档变更
style 代码格式(不影响功能,例如空格、分号等格式修正)
refactor 代码重构
perf 改善性能
test 测试
build 变更项目构建或外部依赖(例如scopes: webpack、gulp、npm等)
ci 更改持续集成软件的配置文件和package中的scripts命令,例如scopes: Travis, Circle等
chore 变更构建流程或辅助工具
revert 代码回退


A simple and efficient problem logging app


Language:Vue 61.8%Language:TypeScript 28.4%Language:CSS 7.9%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%