[Mod] nether-pack [nether-pack]
This is a modified version of lkjoel's nether mod.
Look here if you want to see the differences:
Sadly lkjoel's one disappeared…
Thanks a lot to LeMagnesium, crabman77, Ombridride, Gael-de-Sailly, ObaniGemini and other people from server-minetestforfun for working on this mod.
Depends: see depends.txt
License: see LICENSE.txt
Download: zip, tar.gz
a long time ago this happened
I assume other screenshots could represent this mod in more serious ways
If you got ideas or found bugs, please tell them to me.
— find a way to get the perlin noise inside [-1; 1] or use another noise
— add something containing items to that buildings
— update leaves visual_scale