Blender addon for creating and editing parametric objects.
For blender versions <= 2.79 use this repo instead
Essentially this addon will let you tweak, and control settings in a non-destructive way. Then if you want to do traditional polygon modeling, you just convert it to a normal mesh!
To install head to the main github page, hit code, then download the zip of the repository
Open blender, and head to Edit -> Preferences then head to Add-ons, and hit install in the top right
Once you've found the file in the explorer, check it off to enable it (you can also search to find it)
To use the primatives go to anywhere in the scene and hit shift+a or go to Add, then go to Mesh -> W_primatives
Select the added primitive from the hierarchy, go to the data tab, fill out the parameters, and when you want to finalize the geometry hit Convert WMesh: