Henesys is a Java-based Maplestory Emulator designed for v95
This emulator should be built and run on Java 21 in order to run properly
For the set-up guide refer to the project wiki
This project uses the following dependencies:
- Netty: A non-blocking I/O client-server framework for the development of Java network applications such as protocol servers and clients.
- Log4j: A reliable, fast and flexible logging framework (APIs) written in Java.
- HikariCP: A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.
- BCrypt: BCrypt password hash function.
- Swordie - Lots of referencing from here
- Edelstein - Packet Referencing from here
- Rebirth - Packet referencing from here (Original Repository deleted)
- SpringStory - Some referencing from here