DenisLopatin / docker-web-server

Personal web server

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Local web-server for development

You will need docker and docker-compose.

Server include:

  • Nginx
    • php-cli
    • git
    • nodejs
    • npm
  • Databases
    • MySQL
      • PhpMyAdmin
    • MariaDB
      • PhpMyAdmin
    • PostgreSQL
      • PGAdmin
  • PHP-fpm
    • PHP7.4
    • PHP8.3

Getting Start

You need to add the site to the www directory. After that, create nginx configuration file for it in config/nginx/conf.d as [www_folder_name].conf. Run docker compose up -d dor start.


80: Nginx
443: Nginx
3306: MySQL
33060: MariaDB
5432: Postgresql
3000: PhpMyAdmin for MySQL
4000: PhpMyAdmin for MariaDB
5000: PGAdmin for Postgresql


  • app
    • nginx
    • mysql
    • mariadb
    • pgadmin4
    • php7.4-fpm
    • php8.3-fpm
  • database
    • nginx
    • mysql
    • mariadb
    • postgresql
    • pgadmin4
    • phpmyadmin

Getting Start

Below is a step-by-step guide for launching websites in development mode.

Configuring Hosts

Open the hosts file and add the aliases for

In most cases, it will be accessible via the following path:

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc for Windows

/etc/hosts for Linux

/private/etc/hosts for macOS

Configuring Nginx

The Nginx config is located in config/nginx/conf.d. You can continue to work with the default config or create a new one based on the domain name that you assigned alias to in the host file.

For example, for a domain you need to create your_domain.conf file in the directory config/nginx/conf.d.

For PHP sites, you need to enable the following settings in the nginx config:

location ~ \.php$ {
    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_pass php{version|service}-fpm:9000;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

You can view the standard Nginx setup for a specific project. For example, for WordPress or for Laravel.

the fastcgi_pass' parameter should be called by the name of the php-fpm` container.

Configuring SSL

Log into the container: docker exec -it 3ae77a23d951 bash. Here 3ae77a23d951 is the container ID printed by docker ps command. You probably have another one, replace it.

In the container, run the commands:

cd /etc/nginx
mkdir certs
cd certs
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -x509 -days 365 -out server.crt

The last command will ask you five questions about certificate identification, generate a 2048-bit RSA key in the /etc/nginx/certs/server.key file and the certificate in the /etc/nginx/certs/server.crt file. The validity period of the certificate is 365 days, the key is without a password.

This will have to be done once, and on subsequent launches you will copy them from your file system to the container.

Edit your server settings. In the example below, the default server settings are edited:

server {
    listen       80;
    listen  [::]:80;
    listen  443 ssl; # +

    ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/certs/server.crt; # +
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/server.key; # +
    ssl_verify_client off; # +
    ... # the rest is at your discretion according to the nginx settings

Database import

Take a dump of your database and put it in the directory config/[db]/databases/. Each time the container is started, all sql files will be imported into the container.

Therefore, if you need to save the changes, you need to dump the database and put it in the directory config/[db]/databases/.

Pay attention

For applications that will connect to the database, you need to set the host as mysql|mariadb|postgres by container_name, not localhost or

When accessing a resource through a web browser, the connection to the database service will be performed by an internal service in docker, such as php-fpm. If you need to execute a command from the terminal, then the mysql service installed locally will no longer know about the mariadb:3306 server, for the local host it will be

Therefore, in some cases, when launching the program through the terminal, you need to go into the application configuration and change the data, for example:


replace with:


The configuration files for all services are located in the config folder.

Sometimes the Nginx server may be unavailable after the container is built. You need to go into the container and execute the following commands:

service nginx status
service nginx -t
service nginx restart

In some cases, you will need to change the file access rights that were created by the www-data (Nginx) user. To do this execute the following commands, for example, for laravel:

chmod -R 777 vendor -R
chmod -R 777 composer.lock

You may need to run the following command to undo changes in the version control system:

git config core.fileMode false

If you have an application installed on your device, for example, MySQL, you should run the following command to connect to mysql in a docker container, not on your device:

mysql -uroot -h localhost -P 3306
mysql -uroot -h -P 3306

To connect to postgresql inside the container, use the following command:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --password

At the same time, you need to install the client versions of the DBMS:

apt install postgresql-client
apt install mysql-client


config/postgresql/postgresql.conf not included in the container.

Add to nginx config:

fastcgi_buffers         16  16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size         32k;
proxy_buffer_size          128k;
proxy_buffers            4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size    256k;


Personal web server


Language:HTML 62.0%Language:Dockerfile 38.0%