Denis Kovalyonok (DenisKovalyonokSamples)


Geek Repo





Location:Minsk, Belarus

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Denis Kovalyonok's repositories


Xamarin Native (iOS and Android) insurance service sample app. Application is a part of a system for fixing and evaluating the style of driving of clients of insurance companies. It include such functionality as selection and purchase of insurance policies, evaluation of driving style, rating system associated with the price of insurance, bonuses and etc.


Xamarin Native Android app sample for tracking device sensors data. Position Tracker dectects GPS location, Accelerations, Accurency, Speed and Distance. App shows how to detect device sensors for Linear Acceleration, Gravity, Rotation Vector and how to get device IMEI. All sensors data can be synchronized with 3-rd party API by app's background sync service.


.NET Core Web sample of candidate interviewer system. Solution includes: web site (ASP.NET Core Web Application), ORM (Entity Framework, Code First), Database (Microsoft SQL Server 2019). Web site allows job applicants to be tested in a selected subject. After passing the test, the system processes the results of the responses and displays a table with the final grades. The employer can see which of the candidates received the highest marks and contact them.


Web API sample of eLearning system. Solution include web site (ASP.NET MVC), web api (ASP.NET Web API 2), ORM (NHibernate with Fluent Mappings), Database (MySQL). Unit tests presented for all API requests.


Xamarin Native Android sample for parking clients. Application tracks user location and finds the nearest parkings. Parkings with free car spaces showed for user on google maps as area. Each free car space get it's description, cost and working hours. Also app shows how to work with Yandex Geocode to procced with addresses.


Android Native (JAVA) AR Core mobile application. Dinosaur Museum brings 3D Models of dinosaurs, skeletons and fossils to your real environment. Application uses Google AR Core for manipulating with 3D content. (Database is under development, code will be updated soon).



The source code for my ASP.NET Core tutorial series
