DefProc / chiphack

Repository and Wiki for Chip Hack events.

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Chip Hack

This repository (and its companion wiki) contains tutorial code and documentation for the Chip Hack EDSAC Challenge, to be held in Hebden Bridge from the 6th to the 8th of September 2017. You can register you interest at:

Tutorial slides

All the tutorial slide decks can be found in the tutorials directory. Many of these are prepared using Hieroglyph a derivative of . Being based on reStructuredText the content is plain text, making it easy to transfer to other formats.

Each tutorial slide deck has its own directory.

All slide decks are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license, so you are free to share and modify the slides, so long as you attribute the original authors and give the same rights to others.

Using Hieroglyph

There are guidelines online for setting up hieroglyph. I used version 0.7.1 on top of Sphinx 1.4.1 (there can be an issue with newer versions). With this installed, each set of slides can be built from the individual tutorial directory by running

make slides

The slides will be found as HTML in the build/slides directory. Just open index.html in your browser.

Tutorial code

The tutorial code is in individual directories within the basic_verilog directory.


The files are mostly empty, you shall be guided through filling these out.


Corresponds to the basic_verilog files, if you get stuck.


A full project, with a chip.bin, so that you can test your installation of the tools


To install everything you need follow the guides on

To compile programs


Simply run make for the basic led example, for others run make followed by the project name, e.g. make blink


You will need to change the makefile, by commenting out the linux lines and uncommenting the mac lines, then as above.


You will need to copy the blackice.pcf into the folder you want to compile, then run apio build --size 8k --type hx --pack tq144:4k

To upload programs

Connect to the middle USB port.


Once having compiled and got your chip.bin, run cat /dev/ttyACM0 & cat chip.bin >/dev/ttyACM0 in a terminal.


Once having compiled and got your chip.bin, run cat /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 & cat chip.bin >/dev/cu.usbmodem1421.

note you may have to change usbmodem1421 to the appropriate port.


You will need to connect to the board using tera term. Select the serial option, then go to setup>serial. Delete the Baud rate option, set data as 8 bit, no parity, 1 bit stop and no flow control.

Then file>send file navigate to hardware.bin , tick the Binary option box and open.


Repository and Wiki for Chip Hack events.



Language:Verilog 34.7%Language:Python 22.0%Language:Makefile 21.7%Language:Batchfile 17.1%Language:C 3.7%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:SourcePawn 0.2%