Deerdama / vue-top-scroll

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple customizable Vue component to add anywhere for a responsive "back to top" button.

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npm i vue-top-scroll

Basic Usage

  • Register the component in your main app.js or equivalent file, eg:
import TopScroll from 'vue-top-scroll';

Vue.component('top-scroll', TopScroll);
  • Once registered you can just add it to any component
  • The look and behavior can be modified by passing different props (see available props for details)

  • By default it uses font awesome 5 far fa-angle-up icon but you can pass an icon prop with anything else

Available props

You can either use the component as it is or pass some extra arguments in case you want to customize it. None of the props is required

Name Default Type Description
color #e91e63 String The button background color
icon far fa-angle-up String The button icon
size 60px String Size of the button
font 32px String Icon font-size
fontcolor #fff String Icon color
visibleoffset 600 [String, Number] Offset (pageYOffset) from top of when the icon should show up
right 50px String Position from the right edge
bottom 80px String Position from the bottom
  • Customized example
<top-scroll color="#0091ea"
            icon="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"

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Language:Vue 100.0%