DeepeshKalura / Student-Help-Portal

A portal featuring a keyword search function with interactive API, providing all relevant information such as relevant image, definitions with example and much more at your fingertips.

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Student Help Portal

Welcome to the Student Help Portal, a web application designed to provide quick access to relevant information, images, definitions, and more, all at your fingertips. This project is built using React, npm, and Vite.

Table of Contents


The Student Help Portal is a powerful tool for students to find information quickly and easily. It offers a keyword search function that connects to an interactive API, providing various types of data such as definitions with examples, relevant images, antonym, similiar Rhymes and much more at your fingertips.


  • Keyword search functionality.
  • Interactive API integration.
  • Display relevant information, including definitions along with their Example usage
  • Showcase all relevant images
  • Built with React for a responsive user interface.
  • Atractive Frontend
  • Developed with npm for package management.
  • Utilizes Vite for fast development and hot module replacement.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Student-Help-Portal
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm run dev


Once the application is running, you can start using the Student Help Portal:

  1. Enter a keyword or phrase in the search bar.
  2. Press the "Search" button.
  3. Explore the results, including definitions, images, antonym , Synonym and similiar rhyme words.


The Student Help Portal relies on an interactive API to fetch and display information. You can find more information about the API and how to use it in the API documentation.

  1. pexels (for photos)
  2. dictionaryapi (for definitions and examples)
  3. api-ninja (for antonym and synonym)
  4. mailchimp (for newsletter)


We welcome contributions from the community to make the Student Help Portal even better. If you'd like to contribute, please let us know


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App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot


App Screenshot


App Screenshot


A portal featuring a keyword search function with interactive API, providing all relevant information such as relevant image, definitions with example and much more at your fingertips.


Language:JavaScript 64.5%Language:CSS 22.1%Language:HTML 13.5%