Deepesh316 / datastructure-and-algorithms

Learn Data Structure and Algorithms using Javascript

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Learn Data Structure and Algorithms using Javascript

Important links for reference:

Time Complexity Rules of thumb

O(1) < O(logn) < O(n) < O(n logn) < O(n^2)

Space Complexity Rules of thumb

a) Most primitives (boolean, numbers, undefined, null) are constant
b) String requires O(n), n = string length
c) Similar for reference types: (arrays and objects) => O(n)

Object Methods Big O

Object.keys - O(N)
Object.values - O(N)
Object.entries - O(N)
hasOwnProperty - O(1)

Arrays Big O

Insertion - depends a) Beginning of array -> O(N)
b) End of array -> O(1)

Removal - depends a) Beginning of array -> O(N)
b) End of array -> O(1)

Array Methods Big O

Note: push & pop are always faster than shift & unshift

push - O(1)
pop - O(1)
shift - O(1)
unshift - O(1)
concat - O(N)
slice - O(N)

slice (start, end) => doesnt alter array instead create a new array with start & (end - 1)
splice (start, delecteCount, item1, item2 ...) - O(N) => changes existing array
sort - O(Nlog N)
forEach / map / filter / reduce / etc.. - O(N)

Searching - O(N)
Access - O(1)

Problem Solving Patterns

Frequency Counters - O(n) [mostly with objects] Multiple Pointers Sliding Window pattern


Take care of two things a) Base Case b) Different Inputs

Searching Algorithms

Linear Search - O(n) Binary Search - Works only on sorted arrays - O(logn)

Sorting Algorithms

Bubble Sort => O(n^2) but if nearly sorted then it will be O(n), Space Complexity will be O(1)
Selection Sort => O(n^2), Space Complexity will be O(1)
Insertion Sort => O(n^2), Space Complexity will be O(1)
Merge Sort => Time Complexity: O(n log n) , Space Complexity: O(n)
Quick Sort => Time Complexity: O(n^2) , Space Complexity:O(log n)


Learn Data Structure and Algorithms using Javascript


Language:JavaScript 100.0%