DeepDeer / DGA-Detection

Detect DGA-generation domains with DeepLearning methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Overview of this system

This system is a module of our network security situation awareness project. It's developed with Python and has two major functions:

  • DNS traffic visualization. With nine time series plots of the key fields (such as query type、opcode、Top top 5 queried e2ld, etc), you can easily minor the DNS traffic on network level and user level.
Network level fields Network level fields
request and response top 5 queried e2ld
query type top 5 queried fqdn
opcode domain length
packet size unique e2ld
Fields for specific attack description
average nxdomain response DGA domain query
average TXT response size DNS tunnel
User level fields
top K query user
top K query e2ld user
  • DGA detection. We employ machine learning methods like CNN, LSTM, and Word2vec (Not integrated currently) to detect DGA-generated domains based on their character-level distributions or inter-domain relations. For more design details, please refer to the following papers. [1]D3N: DGA Detection with Deep-Learning through NXDomain. [KSEM 2019]

[2]Domain-Embedding Based DGA Detection with Incremental Word2Vec Model.[ISCC 2020 (submitted)]

System Framework

Overview of the system As shown in this figure, there are five main modules in this system:

  • Parsing module: parase pcap files and extract features with tshark.
  • Detect module: 1)filter out error packets and packets with irregular domain names; 2)Detect DGA domain with our trained model.
  • Store module: built with click house.
  • Present module: built with grafana;
  • Data enrichment: public DGA list (from DGArchive and 360 NetLab).

Get Started

Our system is built with docker, you need docker/docker compose/nvidia-docker-compose, and put your pcap files in ./data. Run with

nvidia-docker-compose –f   
docker-compose-without-procedur.yml up –d

Check the system in http://[your ip]:3000 with 'admin' as the username and 'dnssystem' as the password.


  1. There are 3 configurable parameters:
  • timeinterval, the time interval used by the statistics
  • topdomain, the top K domain names
  • topuser, top K users
  1. You can also retrain the detection module with your own data and parameters.


Detect DGA-generation domains with DeepLearning methods