Deeachain / BiSeNet

Add bisenetv2. My implementation of BiSeNet

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BiSeNetV2 is coming

BiSeNetV2 is faster and requires less memory, you can try BiSeNetV2 on cityscapes like this:

    $ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1
    $ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 bisenetv2/ --fp16

This would train the model and then compute the mIOU on eval set.

I barely achieve mIOU of around 71. Though I can boost the performace by adding more regularizations and pretraining, as this would be beyond the scope of the paper, let's wait for the official implementation and see how they achieved that mIOU of 73.

Here is the tips how I achieved 74.39 mIOU:

  1. larger training scale range: In the paper, they say the images are first resized to range (0.75, 2), then 1024x2048 patches are cropped and resized to 512x1024, which equals to first resized to (0.375, 1) then crop with 512x1024 patches. In my implementation, I first rescale the image by range of (0.25, 2), and then directly crop 512x1024 patches to train.

  2. original inference scale: In the paper, they first rescale the image into 512x1024 to run inference, then rescale back to original size of 1024x2048. In my implementation, I directly use original size of 1024x2048 to inference.

  3. colorjitter as augmentations.

Note that, like bisenetv1, bisenetv2 also has a relatively big variance. Here is the mIOU after training 5 times on my platform:

#No. 1 2 3 4 5
mIOU 74.28 72.96 73.73 74.39 73.77

You can download the pretrained model with mIOU of 74.39 following this link.


My implementation of BiSeNet. My environment is pytorch1.0 and python3, the code is not tested with other environments, but it should also work on similar environments.

Get cityscapes dataset

Register and download the dataset from the official website. Then decompress them in the data/ directory:

    $ mkdir -p data
    $ mv /path/to/ data
    $ mv /path/to/ data
    $ cd data
    $ unzip
    $ unzip

Train and evaluation

Just run the train script:

    $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2

This would take almost one day on a two 1080ti gpu, and the mIOU will also be computed after training is done.
You can also run the evaluate alone script after training:

    $ python

Pretrained models

In order to prove myself not a cheater, I prepared pretrained models. You may download the model here with extraction code 4efc. Download the model_final.pth file and put it in the res/ directory and then run:

    $ python

After half a hour, you will see the result of 78.45 mIOU.

I recommend you to use the 'diss' version which does not contain the spatial path. This version is faster and lighter without performance reduction. You can download the pretrained model with this link and the extraction code is 4fbx. Put this model_final_diss.pth file under your res/ directory and then you can run this script to test it:

    $ python diss/

This model achieves 78.48 mIOU.

Since I used randomly generated seed for the random operations, the results may fluctuate within the range of [78.17, 78.72], depending on the specific random status during training. I am lucky to have captured a result of 78.4+ mIOU. If you want to train your own model from scratch, please make sure that you are lucky too.


If your gpu supports fp16 mode, and you would like to train with in the mixed precision mode, you can do like this:

    $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 fp16/

Note that, I tested this training in fp16 mode with pytorch1.3 and apex of commit 95d6c007ec9cca4231. This environment configuration may not be same with training other models(I did not tested training the other model in this environment).

Also, in this fp16 model, I used the sync-bn officially provided by pytorch, rather than the inplace-abn.


You can run inference on a single model like this:

    python --ckpt res/model_final.pth --img_path ./pic.jpg


These are the tricks that I find might be useful:

  1. use online hard example mining loss. This let the model be trained more efficiently.
  2. do not add weight decay when bn parameters and bias parameters of nn.Conv2d or nn.Linear are tuned.
  3. use a 10 times larger lr at the model output layers.
  4. use crop evaluation. We do not want the eval scale to be too far away from the train scale, so we crop the chips from the images to do evaluation and then combine the results to make the final prediction.
  5. multi-scale training and multi-scale-flip evaluating. On each scale, the scores of the original image and its flipped version are summed up, and then the exponential of the sum is computed to be the prediction of this scale.
  6. warmup of 1000 iters to make sure the model better initialized.

Diss this paper:

Old Iron Double Hit 666

Check it out:

The authors have proposed a new model structure which is claimed to achieve the state of the art of 78.4 mIOU on cityscapes. However, I do not think this two-branch structure is the key to this result. It is the tricks which are used to train the model that really helps.

Yao~ Yao~

If we need some features with a downsample rate of 1/8, we can simply use the resnet feature of the layer res3b1, like what the DeepLabv3+ does. It is actually not necessary to add the so-called spatial path. To prove this, I changed the model a little by replacing the spatial path feature with the resnet res3b1 feature. The associated code is in the diss folder. We can train the modified model like this:

    $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 diss/

After 20h training, you can see a result of mIOU=78.48, which is still close to the result reported in the paper(mIOU=78.4).

What is worth mentioning is that, the modified model can be trained faster than the original version and requires less memory since we have eliminated the cost brought by the spatial path.

Yao Yao Yao~

From the experiment, we can know that this model proposed in the paper is just some encoder-decoder structure with some attention modules added to improve its complication. By using the u-shape model with the same tricks, we can still achieve the same result. Therefore, I feel that the real contribution of this paper is the successful usage of the training and evaluating tricks, though the authors made little mention of these tricks and only advocates their model structures in the paper.

Skr Skr~


Add bisenetv2. My implementation of BiSeNet

License:MIT License


Language:Python 82.9%Language:Cuda 10.7%Language:C++ 5.9%Language:C 0.6%