DebadritoCG / SpeechRecognizer_Selenium

A very fast speech recognizer built using selenium(webkit speech recognizer) with python

Repository from Github https://github.comDebadritoCG/SpeechRecognizer_SeleniumRepository from Github https://github.comDebadritoCG/SpeechRecognizer_Selenium

Fast Speech Recognizer with Selenium(Python) and JS WebKit Speech Recognition



This project implements a fast speech recognizer using Selenium and JavaScript WebKit Speech Recognition. It provides a seamless voice interface, allowing users to easily integrate voice recognition into their applications for various use cases.


  • Fast Recognition: Utilizes Selenium and JavaScript WebKit Speech Recognition for rapid and reliable speech recognition.
  • Easy Integration: Simple integration with existing projects or applications, providing a user-friendly voice interface.
  • Customizable: Easily adaptable for different applications and scenarios.
  • Browser Compaitability: Need to Install Chrome or Edge Browser for this to work.

How it Works

The project consists of two main components:

  1. The Python script that uses Selenium to interact with a web page containing the voice recognition functionality.

  2. voice.html: The HTML file containing JavaScript code for live speech recognition using WebKit Speech Recognition.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd SpeechRecognizer_Selenium
  2. Install Dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Use The Speech Recognizer

    from SpeechRecognizer import Listen
    result = Listen()
    print(f'You Said: {result}')


A very fast speech recognizer built using selenium(webkit speech recognizer) with python


Language:HTML 50.1%Language:Python 49.9%