Deadlyelder / ADTop

Attack-Defence Tree Optimiser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ADTop (Attack-Defence Tree optimizer)

To be able to contribute to development, you need to install, eclipse or another IDE. You need java JDK 8u92 or later version.

ADTop is a Maven project, when you pull the project, you need to update project and clean it.

ADTop user Java FX that's why you need a software to create future screen in FXML. You can user Scene Builder.

Class gui charge index FXML file created via Scene builder. This FXML file is connected to Index controller. Index controller contains other controllers. Java FX, FXML structure is nested application. You can access to attributs of FXML file ex: button thanks to @FXML tag. Index controller is the principal controller. It has a principal Attribute called Pack. This object contains all models used in ADTop. Measure container, Attack-defence tree etc..

All models are in the model class.

Jackson is used to import export Measure container. Apache POI is used to import export Association Matrix. Apache XML is used to parse XML. (ADT is bidirectionnal object, that's why Tree is parsed manually)

Execution: You can simply pull the project download dependencies via maven download dependencies menu (right click on project).

Generate JAR : you can generate a Jar via maven clean install menu.


Master and development (merged) final delivered version addCost (with some additional features like adding and editing costs.)

For further information, please contact itrust consulting at or 0035226176212.


Attack-Defence Tree Optimiser



Language:Java 99.9%Language:CSS 0.1%