DeRuina / push_swap

Push_Swap is a highly efficient C program designed to sort data on two stacks using a specific set of operations. This project is part of the 42 school curriculum, aiming to demonstrate the implementation of complex algorithms and data structures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Because Swap_push isn’t as natural


  • Push_swap is a sorting algorithm project at school 42.
  • We start with two stacks called A and B.
  • A is filled with some random integers (without duplicates) and B is empty.
  • We can perform a limited set of instructions on these stacks and the goal is to sort all these integers using the lowest possible number of actions.
  • The limited set of instructions are:
Operation Description
sa swap A - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack A
sb swap B - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack B
ss sa and sb at the same time
pa push A - take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of A
pb push B - take the first element at the top of a and put it at the top of B
ra rotate A - shift up all elements of stack A by 1. The first element becomes the last one
rb rotate B - shift up all elements of stack B by 1. The first element becomes the last one
rr ra and rb at the same time
rra reverse rotate A - shift down all elements of stack A by 1. The last element becomes the first one
rrb reverse rotate B - shift down all elements of stack B by 1. The last element becomes the first one
rrr rra and rrb at the same time



Only the following functions are allowed to be used in this project:


# Clone this project
$ git clone

# Access
$ cd push_swap

# Compile the program
$ make

# Run the project
$ ./push_swap 5 8 7 2


LeoFu9487 tester: To see if you pass the parsing test (ERROR_TEST), identity test, and small stack test (size 3 and 5), run


If you want to see the test cases, check trace_basic

After that, you can do medium and big stack test with this command

bash <stack size> <loop times>

For example, this is the result of the following command

bash 100 10




Push_Swap is a highly efficient C program designed to sort data on two stacks using a specific set of operations. This project is part of the 42 school curriculum, aiming to demonstrate the implementation of complex algorithms and data structures.


Language:C 96.3%Language:Makefile 3.7%