DaxServer / terroroftinytown-client-grab

The Seesaw pipeline grab script for the URLTeam (terroroftinytown) project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Seesaw pipeline grab script for the URLTeam (terroroftinytown) project

More information about the archiving project can be found on the ArchiveTeam wiki: URLTeam

See terroroftinytown for source code details.

Setup instructions

There are now several ways to run this; the preffered method is via the included Dockerfile.

Be sure to replace YOURNICKHERE with the nickname that you want to be shown as, on the tracker. You don't need to register it, just pick a nickname you like.

In most of the below cases, there will be a web interface running at http://localhost:8001/. If you don't know or care what this is, you can just ignore it—otherwise, it gives you a fancy view of what's going on.

If anything goes wrong while running the commands below, please scroll down to the bottom of this page. There's troubleshooting information there.

Running with docker

Docker logo

Assuming this is a stand alone box, not part of a swarm etc, basic instructions for configuring your docker instance can be found at docker documentation or for Ubuntu / Debian.

Make a directory, cd into the directry and copy the included dockerfile into it; the rest of the files are not required. Edit the final line to include the concurrency and replace YOURNICK with your username.

Build the container with the following arguments;

docker build -t <<dockername>> <<foldername>>/

for example

docker build -t at-terroroftinytown archiveteam-terroroftinytown/

Then simply run the container with either;

docker run -d -it at-terroroftinytown

or if you want to give it a known name and make it easier to run commands;

docker run -d -it --name at-terroroftinytown at-terroroftinytown

or if you really want that web page to be available;

docker run -d -it -p 8001:8001 --name at-terroroftinytown at-terroroftinytown

Stopping the container (clean);

docker run -d -it --name <<containername>> touch STOP

Stopping the container (hard);

docker stop <<containername>>

Connecting to the container console;

docker attach <<containername>>

Running with a warrior

Follow the instructions on the ArchiveTeam wiki for installing the Warrior, and select the "URLTeam" project in the Warrior interface.

Running without a warrior

To run this outside the warrior, clone this repository, cd into its directory and run:

pip install seesaw requests

then start downloading with:

run-pipeline pipeline.py --concurrent 2 YOURNICKHERE

For more options, run:

run-pipeline --help

If you don't have root access and/or your version of pip is very old, you can replace "pip install seesaw" with:

wget https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py ; python get-pip.py --user ; ~/.local/bin/pip install --user seesaw requests

so that pip and seesaw are installed in your home, then run

~/.local/bin/run-pipeline pipeline.py --concurrent 2 YOURNICKHERE

Note: The code is partially self-updating by default with Git version 1.8.2 or higher. Use --context-value no_submodule=1 if you do not want this behavior. Conversely, if you want full updating, use the --auto-update feature available in Seesaw 0.8 or higher.

Running multiple instances on different IPs

This feature requires seesaw version 0.0.16 or greater. Use pip install --upgrade seesaw to upgrade.

Use the --context-value argument to pass in bind_address= (replace the IP address with your own).

Example of running 2 threads, no web interface, and binding of IP address:

run-pipeline pipeline.py --concurrent 2 YOURNICKHERE --disable-web-server --context-value bind_address=

Distribution-specific setup

For Debian/Ubuntu:

adduser --system --group --shell /bin/bash archiveteam
apt-get install -y git-core screen python-dev python-pip
pip install seesaw requests
su -c "cd /home/archiveteam; git clone https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/terroroftinytown-client-grab.git; cd terroroftinytown-client-grab;" archiveteam
screen su -c "cd /home/archiveteam/terroroftinytown-client-grab/; run-pipeline pipeline.py --concurrent 2 --address '' YOURNICKHERE" archiveteam
[... ctrl+A D to detach ...]

For CentOS:

Ensure that you have the CentOS equivalent of bzip2 installed as well. You might need the EPEL repository to be enabled.

yum -y install python-pip
pip install seesaw requests
[... pretty much the same as above ...]

For openSUSE:

zypper install screen python-pip python-devel gcc make
pip install seesaw requests
[... pretty much the same as above ...]

For OS X:

You need Homebrew. Ensure that you have the OS X equivalent of bzip2 installed as well.

brew install python
pip install seesaw requests
[... pretty much the same as above ...]

For Arch Linux:

Ensure that you have the Arch equivalent of bzip2 installed as well.

  1. Make sure you have python2-pip installed.
  2. Run pip2 install seesaw requests.
  3. Modify the run-pipeline script in seesaw to point at #!/usr/bin/python2 instead of #!/usr/bin/python.
  4. useradd --system --group users --shell /bin/bash --create-home archiveteam
  5. screen su -c "cd /home/archiveteam/terroroftinytown-client-grab/; run-pipeline pipeline.py --concurrent 2 --address '' YOURNICKHERE" archiveteam


Broken? These are some of the possible solutions:

ImportError: No module named seesaw

If you're sure that you followed the steps to install seesaw, permissions on your module directory may be set incorrectly. Try the following:

chmod o+rX -R /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

Issues in the code

If you notice a bug and want to file a bug report, please use the GitHub issues tracker.

Are you a developer? Help write code for us! Look at our developer documentation for details.

Other problems

Have an issue not listed here? Join us on IRC and ask! We can be found at irc.efnet.org #urlteam.


The Seesaw pipeline grab script for the URLTeam (terroroftinytown) project

License:The Unlicense


Language:Python 96.4%Language:Dockerfile 3.6%