DawnBreather / release-notes-publisher

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This release-notes-publisher converts HTML content to XHTML, with additional functionality to handle JSON data representing project versions and the option to send the generated XHTML content to a Confluence page via REST API.


  • Access to the terminal or command line
  • Input HTML content
  • JSON files with project version information


To install this program, you need to clone the repository or download the source code to your local machine.


Run the program using the command line. Here are the available flags:

  • -i : Input HTML file path (optional, reads from stdin if not provided)
  • -o : Output XHTML file path or Confluence API URL (required)
  - File output example: file:///path/to/output.xhtml
  - Confluence output example: confluence://https://your-confluence-instance.com
  • --minify : Minify the XHTML output (optional)
  • --escape-for-json : Escape XHTML for embedding into JSON (optional)
  • --versions-filepath : Path of versions JSON file (default: project_versions.json)
  • --mocks-versions-filepath : Path of mocks versions JSON file (default: project_versions_mocks.json)
  • --confluence-page-title : Title of the Confluence page (required for Confluence output)
  • --confluence-space-code : Space code of the Confluence space (required for Confluence output)
  • --confluence-auth-personal-token : Personal access token for Confluence API (required for Confluence output)


# Convert and send to a file:
./release-notes-publisher -i input.html -o file:///path/to/output.xhtml --minify

# Convert and send to Confluence:
./release-notes-publisher -i input.html -o confluence://https://your-confluence-instance.com --confluence-page-title "My Page" --confluence-space-code "MYSPACE" --confluence-auth-personal-token "token_goes_here"

# Full example
./release-notes-publisher -i releasenotes.html --versions-filepath ./project_versions.json --mocks-versions-filepath ./project_versions_mocks.json --minify --escape-for-json -o confluence://https://some.url.com --confluence-ancestor-page-id 86572322 --confluence-page-title "new page 1" --confluence-space-code SOMESPACE --confluence-auth-personal-token "SOMETOKEN"

Note: Replace the placeholders with actual file paths and Confluence details.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


The software is open for unrestricted use.


For support, please open an issue on the project's issue tracker.



Language:Go 98.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%